How to Get Epic Results From Your MSP Marketing

Most MSPs want to get more leads. Conventional marketing wisdom says customers will flock to your company's door if you hire a marketing agency.

Epic Results From Your MSP Marketing

Key Points:

  • Conventional marketing wisdom implies clients will flock to your MSP's doors if you hire a marketing agency.
  • While your marketing agency must generate a specific percentage of leads, you must do more to get super successful and separate yourself from the competition.
  • If your business aspires to surpass the one million dollar mark, you'll realize that telling the world about what you offer isn't enough.
  • The only step toward achieving epic results from your MSP marketing is to attract attention and get your name out there.
  • Top MSP players are already making epic moves out there, which your MSP can echo too.

Most MSPs want to get more leads. Conventional marketing wisdom says customers will flock to your company's door if you hire a marketing agency.

However, many businesses found out that telling the world about what your company has to offer isn't always enough. If your MSP is looking forward to becoming a multi-million business, you need to attract constant attention and get your name out there, something a marketing agency can't do for you.

Yes, your marketing partner must generate a percentage of leads for you, but you have to go out there and interact with the world to get more tangible results.

MSPs CONSTANTLY Complain About Not Generating Enough Leads

Most MSPs call me to complain that they don't have enough leads. When I ask them about what they have done recently to get leads, they always answer "nothing."

Instead, they sit and get too busy dealing with operational or employee issues. The companies don't go out to meet new people. Then they say that they pay me to generate leads for them.

While I can do a specific percentage of lead generation, the MSPs can leverage other marketing strategies that drive greater outcomes, which a marketing agency can't do for them.

Top Player MSPs Are Getting Out There to Boost Their Marketing Efforts

Looking out there for super successful MSPs, you'll see that their marketing approach goes beyond relying on their marketing agency to reach their target. The MSPs understand that traditional marketing strategies follow a formula that some target audience can predict when someone is trying to sell to them.

As a result, they take extra measures that give them a higher chance of getting more qualified leads while adding more value to their brand.

Taking an extra step doesn't mean you should reinvent the MSP marketing wheel — all you need is to make small changes in your approach to boost your lead generation.

Take instances of two top MSPs:

Example 1

One example of an MSP doing epic marketing is Colorado Computer Support by Blake Schwank. The company is a great model for the MSP community.

The CEO, Blake Schwank, emailed me that he is at a rural hospital conference in Colorado. He sent a picture of his cornhole game card at his event in Colorado. The CEO is getting people in his community to play Cornhole.

Curtis, his sales guy, had a form that people could fill in their name, phone number, and emails, which the company automatically integrates with MailChimp for their weekly email.

More importantly, filling out the form allows the company to forward participants' emails to their YouTube channel, giving people chances to subscribe to their channel.

The company flourishes outside traditional marketing and advertising by holding the event. The company leverages several indirect marketing during the event, such as:

  • Building brand recognition: Events increase the buzz around your MSP. When you host an event targeting communities with mutual interest and passion, you allow them to interact with your brand firsthand.

The exposure will help your community to know more about your company.

  • Strengthening client relationships: Hosting an event brings current and prospective clients together in one building. You can use the opportunity to grow relationships in ways you wouldn't when on your premises.

You mostly focus on ROI, productivity, and long-term goals when you work with customers via email, over the phone, or in a formal meeting. At an event, you can share out-of-field ideas.

  • Establishing relationships within your industry: Events bring together industry leaders, allowing you to learn from each other.

There are many more advantages your business can get from getting out there instead of sitting and waiting for the phone to ring.

Example 2

Nexus IT Solutions' Earl Foote is another well-known IT organization in Salt Lake City. Like Blake Schwank, Earl doesn't sit and deal with people on the phone all day. He goes out there to find prospects.

The company fosters a strong professional network to help them face most business challenges.

What Nexus and Colorado Computer Support do helps them with organic SEO because people Google and search for them after the event, which strengthens their brand identity online.

Give Your Marketing Strategy a Boost By Interacting with The Real World

Things are opening up now. Get out to chambers of commerce, networking clubs, meet-ups, and volunteer to speak at events. Outdoor events present opportunities to promote your company's awareness, identify new prospects, and drive business growth.

If you want the world to know your MSP for providing epic results, you must start with doing epic deeds. Your MSP should go above and beyond for your clients, offer outstanding customer service, and become a thought leader in your industry.

Standing out also means getting involved in your community and making positive impacts. When you go out there, the world will start to notice you more and get more comfortable doing business with you.

Ulistic Can Help Will Help You With Online MSP Marketing

Marketing is the most important thing you can do to get leads. However, your most challenging task as an entrepreneur is constantly generating more leads for your MSP.

You need to diversify your client portfolio and try different strategies to ensure you're constantly innovating.

While you get creative with offline lead generation strategies, Ulistic can handle your online MSP marketing. We can help you with SEO, YouTube marketing, email marketing, and nearly all online marketing strategies. Utilizing all available marketing approaches can deliver epic results. Contact us today to get help with all online marketing.


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