How Your MSP Can Get Started On YouTube and Grow a Customer Base

YouTube is one of the top social platforms in the world — offering a plethora of untapped potential for MSPs businesses.

How Your MSP Can Get Started On YouTube and Grow a Customer Base

Key Points:

  • YouTube is one of the top social platforms in the world — offering a plethora of untapped potential for MSPs businesses.
  • For MSPs looking to establish their online presence but haven't yet tapped on YouTube's potential, implementing some strategies can get them started fast.
  • After all, visual content has never been more popular or effective than now, and YouTube dominates the world of video content.
  • Over 85% of online adults are regular YouTube users, offering MSPs an opportunity to present videos in front of a large, captivated audience.
  • However, you need to understand how YouTube works before you get started.

YouTube presents a huge untapped potential for MSPs. The platform is excellent for video marketing because it's a cost-effective way to reach a large audience.

A recent study shows that over 85% of online adults are regular YouTube users, presenting an opportunity for your MSP to display video content to a massive and captivating audience. The best part is that you can target your videos to specific demographics, which will help reach your target market.

However, before you start marketing on YouTube, you need to understand the platform and how it works.

YouTube Marketing Basics for MSPs

YouTube is a huge company with a broad audience. The platform allows people to learn and get educated right on the spot without reading several documents. Your MSP can use YouTube for customer training, marketing, onboarding customers, or even educating customers about things they're asking in tickets and service requests.

After creating a YouTube video for specific tech support, you can put that link in the ticket. That way, you get your customer to visit your YouTube and see how you offer tech support. When the video content proves useful, the customers may subscribe to your channel and share it with friends.

If your MSP is looking forward to leveraging YouTube, you can start with simple steps.

1. Use YouTube as a Client-Training Tool

The first way your MSP can get started on YouTube is by using the platform as a client-training tool. Like any other MSP, you might use text or call to deal with your clients' support tickets or execute client onboarding.

While text-based support work, YouTube videos can simplify everything because people understand visual content easily. You can create a short video to augment what you're already doing with your tech support.

As a mindset, customers would rather watch three or five minutes engaging video than try to read a 2500 words text. The video will allow your clients and prospects to understand the steps of what you're telling them faster than just reading.

Visual content for tech support or client onboarding will boost your operation speed and make you more appealing to clients than your competitors. However, having YouTube videos doesn't mean you should eliminate written content. The text is important because it helps with SEO ranking.

If your viewers find the training in your video valuable, they'll share it with friends. The idea is that your MSP should use YouTube as a client-training tool to boost your viewership and subscriptions. The strategy will help you boost the number of viewers to improve your ranking on YouTube and Google.

2. Leverage YouTube as A Marketing Tool

YouTube is a way to the marketplace. Clients and prospects are already engaging with other videos on YouTube. Your MSP needs to break into the video marketing world.

While it's easy to create high-quality videos that you know your clients would love, quality alone won't guarantee you views or likes on YouTube.

No question. Your first step to succeed with video marketing is to turn some of your best ideas or content into video format to build a brand on YouTube. However, many MSPs wonder about what type of videos to create and share.

Your MSP can create different types of videos, such as:

  • Tutorials:  Show clients and prospects how to fix IT issues or leverage productivity tips.
  • Client testimonial: Find satisfied customers and interview them. Then, share that on your YouTube channel to help build credibility.
  • Tips and tricks: In the tech world, many insights businesses aren't leveraging yet to boost their productivity. You can share some useful tech insights with clients and prospects.
  • Statistics: Establish yourself as an authority in the MSPs world by sharing industry-related statistics, research, and data using a simple slideshow-like video.

Your MSP will learn what works best for your audience as you create and promote different video types. After video creation, you'll want to optimize them for search and clicks. You'll need to utilize relevant keywords in your video title, descriptions, and tags to help users find your video for related searches.

3. Promote Your Videos and Channel

Views, likes, subscribers, and comments measure audience engagement and success on YouTube. You can get more engagement for your videos in three major ways:

  • Improving your video ranking on Google or YouTube for popular keyword searches
  • Growing a huge YouTube subscriber base
  • Promoting your video or channel using other web properties

To grow a huge subscriber base and increase views, promote your YouTube channel on your main website. Add a button leading to your channel on your official website or blog.

Alternatively, you can embed your videos onto your blog posts. Create blog posts around specific videos to promote them. Video embeds are resourceful because they increase both video and page views.

You can also share videos with your email list. Direct your email subscribers to the video you embedded on your site to improve both site and video views. Your MSP can leverage several more strategies to grow your subscribers and views. However, focus on what works best for you.

Ulistic Will Shoulder All the Heavy YouTube Marketing Tasks for Your MSP

Investing in MSP YouTube marketing stems down to the content of your video. However, YouTube is a crowded field. Your videos must speak straight to your audience's pain points and desire to stand out.

Ulistic can help your MSP create YouTube videos that attract the right customers, engage your audience, and help you create irresistible brands. We've helped hundreds of MSPs with their YouTube marketing for over a decade and can help you, too. Contact us today to get YouTube marketing solutions that connect the dots with all your marketing efforts.


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