How To Grow Your MSP Businesses and Gain Marketing and Sales Traction

Ulistic interviewed three MSPs, and they shared some insights about how to grow your MSP and gain marketing and sales traction.

Ways MSPs Use Media Coverage to Grow Their Businesses and Gain Marketing and Sales Traction

Key Points:

  • Landing a great piece of media coverage in a high-profile publication is not an easy feat.
  • While getting media mentions might be quite a task, you must focus on integrating marketing and PR to boost your brand awareness and authority.
  • Three top MSPs share how they approach media coverage in their companies that any MSP can follow.

Media mentions have numerous benefits, such as improving SEO positioning, enhancing brand credibility, and establishing authority in the market.

From an SEO perspective, media placements deliver several quality links. Some time back, websites had to buy thousands of links for 50 bucks and be set to rank on Google.

Those days are gone.

Your business needs authoritative links to ensure your website ranks and builds brand authority. Media coverage and PR are key in the types and how many backlinks you get.

However, the biggest challenge many MSPs face is the lack of enough time to tackle media coverage and PR. If anything, you should compare the benefits you can get from media mentions with the time you need to invest.

We interviewed three MSPs, and they shared some insights about how to grow your MSP and gain marketing and sales traction.

Introducing The Three Managed IT Service Organizations

LI Tech Advisors

LI Tech Advisors is an IT company on Long Island that has specialized in delivering managed IT services, custom software, and ADA compliance for over 30 years in areas around New York. The organization has 14 employees and does around 2 million in business.

Palindrome Consulting

Palindrome has been around since 1999 but didn't get started until 2001. The company is a managed service provider in South Florida with 15 employees doing around 2.5 million business and pushing towards 3 million.

Velocity IT

Velocity provides IT services in Dallas, has been in the MSP industry for over ten years, and has around 20 employees. The company heavily focuses on telecommunication. The company revenue is  1.5 million, with a customer base of about 30.

How The Three Companies Carve Out Time For Media Marketing

Every MSP needs to set aside time for PR and marketing. Marketing is one area your MSP should never take your foot off the gas. You can cut it off, but never take it off.

Here are some of the tips the three companies share on how they approach a  media opportunity email in their inbox:

Velocity IT Dedicates Time for Media Opportunity Even if They're Swamped

Kenny Riley from Velocity IT says that the company rarely entertains marketing emails from eight to five. However, they have a window of 2 hours dedicated to the company inbox to address emails they prioritize.

When Kenny spots an email with a media opportunity, he makes time for it, even if he's swamped. The CEO insists that the company cannot avoid doing what they are supposed to do to ensure the company's growth.

When replying to a media marketing email, Kenny says that he never sends a one or two-sentence response — it's usually a well-thought response. Sometimes, Kenny uses a tool like Jasper to formulate email responses so that he doesn't have to worry about typing.

LI Tech Cut Out Time In their Mornings To Process Media Emails

On the other hand, Anthony says that LI Tech once used Jasper to write responses but prefers to do a lot of personal content.

The LI Tech CEO cut out time in his day every morning to process emails and execute every necessary task. If he finds any media or high-profile publication articles, he prioritizes them.

Rather than regurgitating what's already on the internet, he creates time and prioritizes making content. If the company gets the media article late at night, Anthony says he handles them before morning.

Palindrome Consulting Addresses Media Marketing As Soon as The Opportunity Surfaces

The founder of Palindrome Consulting says that as soon as he sees a media opportunity email in his inbox, he answers it. He uses all means available to react to Media mention opportunities, including putting the phone on dictate and blurting out the answer from anywhere to do edits later

On average, Ilan doesn't spend more than five minutes on an article. If the company gets an email on something they're clueless about, they delete it and move to the next.

How Media Fuels All Your Digital Marketing

Media websites like Forbes, Wall Street Journal, and Reader's Digest have high domain authority. If Google sees a link coming from these media sites coming back to your website, they automatically transfer authority back to you.

However, from a content perspective, your MSP can struggle every month to find interesting topics to put in the newsletter that will get clicks. Many MSPs put content that people don't care about.

If you could create content businesses care about, you'd get them clicking. Media gives you the ability to expand your content.

How Can You Use Media Content in Marketing

Your MSP can regularly pitch your local media and use the material in multiple locations, such as:

  • Social Media
  • Newsletter
  • Website
  • Press release

Your local media might be slow to get back, but the reach-out is effective. You should know that local media are only interested in ideas that will interest their views, readers, or listeners.

You'll find it challenging to get a link from high-profile publications, but you should try and avoid the trap of not trying. There is no harm in taking a few minutes to write an email to get a media link.

Everything Is Newsworthy

Having articles published with your company and name on major news sources solidifies your MSP industry authority.

After all, the MSP world isn't regulated. Anyone can start an MSP company and inflate its reputation. The media mention establishes your brand as a trustworthy authority in the industry.

Ulistic Will Deliver Nearly All Marketing Solutions for Your MSP

For over a decade, we've helped over 500 MSPs across the U.S. and Canada get more leads, sales, and authority, and we can help you too. Contact us today, and we'll help you create irresistible brands.


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