Super Successful MSP
Understanding Corptek’s Formula for Success

Corptek and Ulistic have been partners for years. When it comes to super successful MSPs in Fort Worth, why has Corptek succeeded when others have failed?

Understanding Corptek’s Formula for Success

Key Points From the Article:

  • Corptek has risen from obscurity to an MSP that now dominates the Fort Worth and Dallas MSP market.
  • In an interview with the president and the vice president of Corptek, the organization reveals some unique approaches they take to record high profits.
  • Here are some key lessons that every MSP business can learn from Corptek.

When it comes to making your MSP super successful, your best shot is at learning from IT companies that are already getting the results you're looking for. Corptek has risen from obscurity to an IT company that dominates the Fort Worth and Dallas MSP market, making it worth a study.

Here's what the company's president and vice president reveal about the key difference between how their company works and the typical MSP company.

Who Is Corptek?

Corptek Solutions is a company that began with one aim — matching businesses with technology that helps them reach their goals. Over the years, Corptek has continued to be true to its original vision —  simplifying businesses' IT environments into a streamlined and efficient system that suits its operations.

The company started with Jason Ricketts's vision. A vision to match businesses with the right technology. Jason had the skills to make it happen, so he did some work.

In 2005, he founded Corptek Solutions and employed one consultant: himself. However, Jason's tireless efforts quickly led to a reputation for excellence. The business began to flourish with referrals from satisfied customers.

Today, the organization is a leading provider of IT consulting services with a team of dedicated professionals who share Jason's passion for helping businesses succeed.

Neil Busby joined Corptek and Introduced HIPAA Compliance Service

After some years of operation, Neil Busby — the current vice president — joined Corptek as a technician and worked for a couple of years.

Neil then left to start his own IT company that majors in offering remote services. After five years, Neil and Jason ran into each other and decided to put one company together.

When Neil returned, he came with the skill of offering HIPAA compliance services. The introduction of HIPAA compliance services turned everything for Corptek.

To start offering HIPAA compliance services, the organization first became HIPAA compliant themselves. Offering HIPAA compliance means that the company major in businesses in the Healthcare industry.

The Apt Client — The Traits Corptek Look For in a Client

Corptek prefers offering its service to clients with 25 PCs, unlike any other company. While the organization serves clients with over 200 nodes, Corptek's sweet spot is 25 nodes. As Neil says, a client with 25 PCs is small enough to need an in-house IT team but large enough to need the attention of a tech specialist all the time.

Corptek doesn't pick their clients depending on industry or size. After all, other MSPs deal with companies handling over 50 computers, but in the health industry, an organization with over 15 nodes is a huge business.

Organizations with 25 nodes are mostly:

  • Dental offices
  • Pediatricians
  • General practice

Offering HIPAA compliance service is Corptek's sweet spot because of the 25 computers to manage.

What's the Role of Managed Service Providers in The Future

According to Neil, the key role of a managed services provider is to offer cybersecurity services because nearly all businesses need cybersecurity insurance.

When businesses want to take cybersecurity cover, they are issued a 12-page document to fill out. The insurance company requires the organization to take cover to let their IT department fill in the insurance contract.

The problem, however, is many small businesses don't have an in-house IT team and will outsource to MSP and not practices. Corptek realized that if a business wants cybersecurity insurance — mandatory in some states — they'll need an MSP.

As a result, their company created a service model around the insurance document to offer all the products that take care of every line item and ensure a business qualifies to take cybersecurity insurance.

The Role Marketing Plays in Corptek's Success

Every MSP needs some level of consistency in marketing to drum up sales and make money to keep things going.

According to Neil Busby, search engine optimization is the core of MSP marketing. Creating content around keywords that prospects search for on the search engine made things work great for Corptek.

The Corptek vice president says that since the last quarter of 2021, the company SEO has seen a major boost after partnering with Ulistic. The company shifted from getting at least one call a month to two or three calls a week or emails.

Neil insists that getting people to your website is the new marketing key for MSPs. Your business should be found when people are looking. If your MSP doesn't appear on the search engine when people are looking for you, you automatically miss the opportunity.

In a market of hundreds or thousands of MSPs, getting in front of all the noise is crucial. Your business needs to be found in today's world.

The Importance of Unique Offers

For marketing to work long-term, you need a unique offer. Corptek unique offer is the VoIP services they call  Helpdesk 60, which solves IT issues in 60 seconds or less. Some MSPs take a lot of time to get back to their clients. Corptek put in a transfer in the helpdesk services from spectrum to TNT.

Neil says the HelpDesk 60 is another punch for Corptek because their clients love it. The organization backs up its helpdesk service with text because when an MSP promises a business that they will have a technician, there shouldn't be any compromises.

The technician Corptek offers don't have to transfer calls to offer assistance — no frustration of being bounced around.

Ulistic Can Shoulder All the Heavy Marketing Tasks For Your MSP

Your MSP needs a steady flow of business opportunities to remain profitable. Ulistic has helped over 500 MSPs across the U.S. and Canada to get more leads, sales, and authority on the search engine and can help you too. We'll get you a digital marketing solution that gets you results. Contact us today for sales solutions for your services.


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