Getting Started With YouTube Marketing

YouTube marketing is an untapped avenue for MSPs, and most MSPs do a horrible job marketing anything on YouTube. Learn the basic skills to become a YouTube star inside your Managed IT services business.

How MSPs Can Start YouTube Video Marketing

Key Points in The Article:

  • YouTube video marketing is big.
  • However, many MSPs wonder about how to get started with YouTube video marketing.
  • While getting started appears to be intimidating, it shouldn't be difficult.
  • With simple steps, any MSP can start making videos for their YouTube channel.

YouTube video marketing is huge — getting bigger every day. The platform has seen a meteoric rise to over 2 billion active users every month. According to Alexa, YouTube is the second most-visited website in the world, with 68% of YouTube users stating that videos help them make a purchasing decision.

The statistics suggest two important facts:

  • YouTube as a platform is growing fast.
  • Video is an extremely powerful marketing medium.

When prospects see your MSP on YouTube, it's more memorable than a text-based ad or a blog post.

However, the big question many MSPs ask is how they can get started with YouTube videos. Here are three simple tips that can get you started making YouTube Videos.

1. Unpack Your Camera

Sure, it's important to plan your video and position your channel in advance, but your first step is to unpack the camera to film your videos.

You have hundreds of variety of cameras — it can be the iPhone, Sony, or Go Pro. Whichever camera you'll use, you should be able to make videos that look and sound great. Open the box and turn your camera on.

2. Power Up the Camera

The second step is to power up your camera and set it for filming. Some important elements that go into establishing your video include:

  • Setting: Are you going to film the video indoors or outdoors – in your office or kitchen. Your setting will communicate a lot about your MSP to your viewers. Establish an environment that will reinforce the style your MSP wants to communicate to your viewer before you start filming.
  • Background: Your background is critical in setting the tone of your video. You can choose plain backgrounds like a plain sheet or wall or go for a real-life background like an office, studio, or kitchen.
  • What you wear: As an MSP, you can choose casual or business wear depending on the video you're shooting. Your clothing and accessories tell your target audience what kind of a video they're in for.
  • Music: When you use music in your video, you want it to complement the story you're trying to tell your audience.

The great thing about preparing the style before starting filming is that it's entirely up to your MSP. You have the freedom to choose how to communicate to your audience.

However, you need to do your best to be consistent with your delivery style. Over time, your style of delivery will establish the identity of your MSP and help you stand out from your competitors.

3. Point The Camera and Make the Video

The biggest obstacle to making YouTube videos is getting comfortable in front of the camera. Being in front of the camera is intimidating.  You're going to be uncomfortable at first, but you need to get over it the quickest way possible.

You're going to hate the sound of your voice. Your videos are going to be rough at first — making mistakes when talking — saying "Uh," "um," "uh" over and over again. You'll ask your video shooter to start filming again because you've said something wrong.

However, as you get more users to videos, you'll get natural, and it'll flow. Don't let the fear of making mistakes or sounding like a dork stop you. Set the camera up, the lighting, and start recording. Then watch your recording  looking for things to improve upon, such as:

  • Body expression
  • Body language
  • Voice quality

You should remember that your video is not about you and that everyone gets self-conscious about their appearance. More importantly, people tuning to your channel are primarily concerned with the information and the knowledge you have to share.

Your primary focus should be on the value of the message and information you'll provide because that's the primary focus of your viewer.

Bonus Tip #1. Shoot The Video at Right Angle

Technically, there are a gazillion angles you can take with your camera. However, for your MSP YouTube videos, you need to only pay attention to three of the main type depending on your situation.

The angles include:

  1. Wide Shot: A wide short is excellent when shooting a video with many people in the frame. For instance, in an interview. You can also film your video at a wide shot angle when you want your shooting environment to show prominently on your video frame.
  2. Medium shot: A medium shot will show you from the waist up. Most of your MSP videos will be medium shot as it pays equal attention to you and the surrounding.
  3. Close shot: A close shot mostly show you in the video.

Your MSP is free to alternate between different types of shots and angles during the filming to make your video dynamic.

However, you should choose an angle that you'll use more often so that your viewers get used to seeing you at a consistent shot angle. As a result, you'll help create your YouTube channel's style.

Bonus Tip #2: Make Your Video Audio Great

Audio makes or breaks the entire video. When your video has a lot of echo or static, your YouTube viewers will quickly click the "away" button. Fortunately, creating a video with quality sound isn't hard or expensive.

For instance, you can soundproof your environment to get excellent audio quality. It's nearly impossible to fix audio problems during editing, and no sound recording device can overcome noise from a loud street or an echoey room. Even if you film your video with a fairly cheap microphone, a soundproofed environment will get you quality audio.

Ulistic Can Help Your MSP With Any YouTube Marketing Issue

If your MSP hits any obstacle in your YouTube marketing strategy, Ulistic can help you navigate your way. We've helped over 500 MSPs in Canada and USA since 2010 and can help you too. Contact us today to discuss your MSP YouTube marketing.


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