MSP Content Marketing: How Do I Get My Blog Posts Read?

Word Press, Content and SEO Optimization What you need to know as part of your MSP Content Marketing Strategy. Blog posts are a great way to promote your business. A blog is a discussion or informal section on a website where you post information in journal-type text (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, […]

Word Press, Content and SEO Optimization

What you need to know as part of your MSP Content Marketing Strategy.

Blog posts are a great way to promote your business. A blog is a discussion or informal section on a website where you post information in journal-type text (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most-recent post appears first, at the top of your web page.

I use them all the time for Ulistic and our clients, and find them to be a very effective tool to attract customers.  

When writing blog posts, most people create content just hoping someone will read them. They trust that Google and other search engines will rank them highly, or that a popular blogger will find and link to them to their site.  However, hoping isn’t enough.

Before you put your fingers on the keyboard—you should decide whether you’re the right person to write your blogs, or if you should hire an expert who has your best interests in mind. (I suggest the latter. You have more important things to do, like running your business.) You can still put your name on the blog since you’ve paid for it. Putting your name on the blog will create a more direct connection between you and your audience than you can with content on your website. It also helps to develop a level of trust if the blog is helpful for them.

There are specific and proven strategies to use to get your blogs read. 

Word Press & SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Vital components of your MSP Content Marketing Strategy

As you know, your website always needs fresh, new content to get recognized, and Word Press is the perfect tool for this. Why?  Because Google “loves” Word Press.

If you’re not running a Word Press website, you really should consider doing so. Word Press is often used for blog posts.  But it’s also matured into a powerful website platform. I highly recommend using it.

Our team at Ulistic specializes in Word Press development, and we take it one step further with quality SEO because a lot of people turn to Google for information. If you want new visitors to your website, they must find you first—And using the right content and keywords will help them do this.

Here Are Some Tips to Help Get Your Blogs Read

  • The Subject: It shouldn’t be too long.  60 characters are what’s recommended. Putting a question in your subject line is a good way to get your blog read. Ask a question that other people might ask.
  • The Permalink: This is the URL or the “slug” that your post will be placed.  Use keywords that people search for in your permalink.
  • The Length: I find the optimal length for a blog post is somewhere between 800 and 1,000 words.  Trust me—We’re getting really good results from this.
  • Content: Make sure you add your keywords to the content for good SEO.  But, not too many, and not in a way that appears obvious.  Use keywords that fit the subject your prospective readers will be looking for, including the location of your business so people in your area will find you. And, or course, use good-quality content, or you’ll lose your readers. Here are some more tips regarding content:
  • Determine who your target audience is—More than likely this will be your potential customers.
  • Always write content that’s applicable to what they do and need. Make sure you understand their industry and the challenges they face.
  • Once you’ve gotten their attention, write new content that will keep coming back for more.
  • The Category: Input categories for your blog that reflect your content and keywords.
  • Calls to Action: Don’t forget to tell your readers what they should do—e.g. contact you.
  • Meta-Description: Input what you think others would search for in Google—e.g. “Looking for How do I get my blog read in San Francisco Bay Area.” It’s important to put your phone number here (not an 800 number, but your local number). Add a few keywords here as well, along with an image that matches your blog description. (Go to for free images.) Upload it as the “Featured Image” for your blog website. (There’s a specific place to do this in Word Press.  Ulistic can show you where it is.)

Now, “publish” your post to the Word Press site!   (But you’re not done yet!)  

Next, it’s time to analyze your blog (or have a good friend of colleague do so).  You must be as objective as possible. 

  • Does your blog look clean, concise, and is it easy to read? (no fonts smaller than 12 points or difficult-to read colors)
  • Are the images eye-catching and relevant to the topic?
  • Will the subject and introduction entice people to read on?
  • Is the content really worth reading and helpful?
  • Are any links functioning properly?

Remember, quality writing and proper use of Word Press and SEO are key to getting your blogs read.  If not, you’re just wasting your time and turning prospective customers away.  If you need help, hire an expert.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Good luck!



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