Number One Mistake MSPs Make With Marketing

Make sure your marketing has an insanely irresistible offer!

What Is The Number One Mistake MSPs Make With Marketing?

This morning, like most Saturday mornings, I invested time into perfecting my craft.  After all, isn't that what all professionals do on a Saturday morning?  Well, at least the professionals I hang out with.  Perfection in their craft is always the number one priority, and they are never satisfied. There is still something else to learn or refine.

This morning is like all other Saturday mornings.  I stumbled upon an interesting website and started reading the findings in-depth and how these findings can be brought over to the MSP community.

Here's what I came to realize.

I've been doing this for ten years now. I still love working with MSPs and helping those who are open to trying new things and trusting people who are experts to guide them.  After all, nothing thrills me more than getting a super deal for a client.  One of my clients this week is about to land a 650 seat Google Apps to Microsoft 365 contract, and another emailed me yesterday about a lead that came in from SEO.

Here's the challenge.

Those leads...all came with an irresistible offer.  Yes, something so crazy that it made them extremely uncomfortable to offer it.  Yes, listen up here.  If you want great leads, you need to do something different than all the other MSPs out there. Those people who follow me know this.  This isn't anything new.  MSPs lack originality in their marketing, they are clones of each other and have no desire to step out of their comfort zone....

But, those who do...

Have HUGE Success...let me repeat that...those who buck the trend...have HUGE SUCCESS.

But...that doesn't happen much.

During our last Ulistic High-Performance Club meeting, I challenged one member of our group to run this campaign.  Before I go into the one did it.

I wanted someone to run a campaign with a ZERO SECURITY BREACH guarantee.  They all told me that I was crazy and that they would never do this.  Maybe I am insane, but I had one client do it.  Not going to mention them here, keeps their competitive advantage going.  They offer this guarantee.  If you ever are a victim of a security breach, we'll refund every dollar you spent in managed IT services.  Crazy, isn't it.

Do you know what the lead flow is? Ten leads a week!

Yes! 10 leads a week.

Know how much they paid out? Zero!

This is just a marketing ploy. If you look at the Terms and Conditions of the offering, the company that works with this MSP has to have every security offering, monthly end-user training. Every staff member has to pass the monthly security test. They have rigorous business continuity solutions in place.  Every new client has at least $50K of new services and products to invest in before they even qualify for the guarantee.

It's all marketing...crazy ass offer that people can't resist.

Now, look at your marketing.  Blah, blah, network assessment...blah, blah, consultation...

What will it take for you to get comfortable offering up an irresistible offer to get new business in the door?

Nick Hess with Portland IT services company, SureTec offers the first 30 days free, no contracts, and a money-back guarantee.  Can you do something like this?  Yes, you can...and the only reason you aren' you?

CONCLUSION:  Make sure your marketing has an insanely irresistible offer!

Need to take your MSP marketing to new heights. Did you know that Ulistic offers a full money-back guarantee if we don't perform?  Why wait...use the live chat on this page to schedule an appointment with me.

Stuart Crawford
Managing Partner


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