Marketing Using Long-Form SEO: Why You Should Adopt This New Trend

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Long Form SEO Services For Managed IT Service Providers

Search Engine Optimization content has been for a long time, the key to increasing traffic to a website. Most blog writers publish this sort of material. Have you ever wondered how platforms such as Google can give you the exact results you're looking for? This is all thanks to Search Engine Optimization. The principle behind Search Engine Optimization marketing is optimizing your web page to appear on the first page of search results. SEO content is, therefore, important for increased visibility without paying for advertisements.

Long-form SEO marketing involves making everything available under one roof: your website. Have you ever read a 500-word article and felt like it was a waste of time because your questions were unanswered? That is the problem that long-form SEO marketing seeks to rectify. A website can have the best design in the world, but unless its content is quality, no one will read through it. Search Engine Optimization content is especially crucial for MSP websites that are trying to compete for visibility with larger brands. Bigger companies have millions of dollars to pour into marketing ads and campaigns. This is money that most MSPs don't have.

However, the playing ground is level when it comes to producing great quality content. Providing quality and helpful content also makes it easier to get potential customers. If your consumers read a blog that they find useful, they know where they can always get certain items.

Here's why you should consider using long-form SEO content:

Content Is Ranked Higher on Search Results

Imagine that you're a librarian. People come to you looking for all sorts of books with specific information, e.g., information on wheat farming. You need to know what each book contains so that you can give the best recommendation. In this same way, search engines search the internet to produce content that best covers a search query. The more content your article covers, the higher your chances are of appearing on the first page.

Long-form Search Engine Optimization content seeks to achieve this. You provide users with as much information as possible so that they don't need to look elsewhere. Also, the more users you attract, the higher your article is on search results because of popularity.

Long Form SEO Services for Managed IT Services Companies

Time On- Site Is Increased

Long-form Search Engine Optimization content is long. Essentially it includes articles that are about 2000-3000 words long. Some marketers even suggest 5000 words. The longer your content, the more time people will spend reading it on your website.

Users then find it easier to read even more content on your page because you 'look like you know what you're talking about.' The more time they spend, the more trusting they are of you. This can then translate into them, supporting your business by donating or buying items from you.

Increased Social Media Engagement

Have you ever read a book so well written that you have to search up the author? Watched a movie so well played, you had to search up the actors' lives? Essentially that's what long-form SEO content does.

Well written content shows you have command of what you're talking about. Users view your content as that of a knowledgeable educator. They are then more likely to engage with you on social media to ask questions and learn more.

How to Create Long-Form SEO Content

Set Goals

What sort of content do you want to market? Are you aiming for informative or analytical content? Who is your target audience? All these are important questions that will help you set your goal. Long-form content contains a lot of information. Outline what you want to write about and how you're going to get that information. Setting goals also ensures that you'll have answered all user questions by the time you're done.

Essentially, it's getting into the mind of a user and imagining what they want to know.

Choose the Right Topic

The right content topic will make or break your marketing strategy. The article title is what search engines look for when a query has been made. The content of your web page is then analyzed further to determine whether it's relevant to the search query. Having a weak topic makes it harder for search engines to group your web page. Your long-form content could be amazing, but with the wrong topic, no one will find it.

To settle on a relevant topic, analyze:

  • The target audience
  • Keywords and most searched questions
  • Pre-existing articles from other brands

Once you get the right topic, you can then embark on finding the right content.

Come Up With an Appealing Design

Good content is essential. However, human beings are easily attracted to well-designed things. Expert designs don't only involve beautiful looking designs; they are also practical. A well-designed website also includes features that help drive more traffic to your site.


  • Sign up forms: These are pop-ups that prompt readers to input their information for further correspondence. This method also alerts users when you post new content and gives suggestions on current articles.
  • Social media sharing buttons: These are buttons that allow users to share your article on platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
  • Links to additional articles: Link your article to additional ones(that you've written)that provide additional information.


According to the Washington Post, there are 47 billion searchable pages on the internet. Out of all these, less than ten show up on the first page of a search query. Long-form SEO content is the key to being part of that first page. While it may be hard to develop such content, Ulistic offers guidance on such topics. The company was primarily formed to help MSPs in business development and marketing at realistic prices. Contact us now and find out how you can start your journey to more efficient marketing for your brand.


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