Tips For Hiring A Google Ads Consultant

Google Ads experts are everywhere. How do you know you are getting the proper Google Ads consultant for your managed services business?

Hiring A Google Ads Consultant For Your MSP?

Google Ads can be a great way to bring in more leads and revenue for your managed IT services business. A Google Ads consultant can help you create, manage, and optimize your Google Ad campaigns to help you get the most out of your investment. However, it's important to make sure you have the right consultant helping you out.

Many MSPs fall victim to bad Google Ads strategies and end up losing money instead of making it. Don't become a victim - make sure you hire a Google Ads guy who knows what he's doing! Google Ads consultants can be a great asset to your MSP business, but only if you have the right Google Ads consultant.

MSPs often overlook the potential benefits of working with a Google Ads consultant. The right Google Ads consultant can help you build and execute an effective paid search strategy that meets your specific needs and helps you achieve your business goals. Today, I will discuss the benefits of working with a Google Ads consultant, as well as some tips on how to find the right one for your MSP business.

Here are five benefits of working with a Google Ads consultant:

Agency-Level Expertise

A good Google Ads consultant will have agency-level expertise and be able to help you get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns. They'll know how to target the right customers, bid on the right keywords, and create ads that generate leads and sales.

Strategic Insights

A good Google Ads consultant can provide valuable strategic insights into your business and how paid search can help you achieve your goals. They'll take the time to understand your business and develop a tailored paid search strategy that meets your unique needs.

Campaign Management

A Google Ads consultant can manage your campaigns for you, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your MSP business. They'll create, optimize, and track your campaigns so you can see how they're performing and make adjustments as needed.

Budget Management

A good Google Ads consultant can help you stay on budget and get the most of your advertising dollars. They'll work with you to develop a spending plan that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.


If you run into any problems with your Google Ads campaigns, a good Google Ads consultant can help troubleshoot them for you. They'll help you identify and fix any issues that are causing your campaigns to underperform.

Now that you know some of the benefits of hiring a Google Ads consultant for your MSP business, it's time to find the right one for you.

Tip 1: Find a Google Ads Consultant with Experience in the MSP Industry

The best Google Ads consultants for your MSP business are those who have experience in the MSP industry. They will understand the challenges you face and will be able to help you create a strategy that is tailored specifically to your needs. When looking for a consultant, make sure to ask about their experience in the managed IT services industry.

One great way to gain an understanding of their level of experience and their track record is by reading case studies and testimonials from past clients. This will give you a good idea of the consultant's abilities and how they were able to help their previous clients achieve success. If you can find case studies that are specific to the MSP industry, it is even better. This will help you make sure the consultant has experience working with MSPs and knows how to achieve the results you're looking for.

If they have happy clients that are seeing success with Google Ads, then there's a good chance they know what they're doing. Make sure to read the fine print, too. Some Google Ads consultants may claim to be able to do everything, but in reality, they may only specialize in certain areas. So make sure the consultant you choose has the experience and expertise you need.

However, if all you see is negative feedback or no feedback at all, it might be best to move on. Additionally, you can always talk to their clients to get a better understanding of their business and how the consultant was able to help them achieve success. If the consultant can't provide you with any testimonials or references, that's a red flag and you should consider hiring someone else.

Tip 2: Find a Google Ads Consultant Who's Willing To Have a Regular Dialogue

Another important thing to look for when hiring a Google Ads consultant is whether or not they are willing and able to have regular dialogue with you. This means being available for questions and providing updates on your campaigns on a regular basis. You should be able to trust your consultant enough to give them access to your Google Ads account, as well as provide feedback and recommendations.

Make sure they're sharing information with you and passing along details about how your ads are performing on a weekly or biweekly basis at the very least. This shows they're invested in your success and want to ensure you're getting the most out of your campaigns.

A Google Ads consultant who is responsive and willing to communicate with you regularly is a valuable asset for your MSP business. This also gives you a chance to ask questions and get help with any problems you may be experiencing with your campaigns.

If you can find a Google Ads consultant who is willing and able to have regular dialogue with you, it will help ensure that your campaigns are on track and meeting your goals. If you don't feel like you're getting the level of service you expect, or if you think your consultant could be doing a better job, don't hesitate to speak up. A good Google Ads consultant will want to make sure you're happy with their services and will work hard to meet your needs.

Finding the right Google Ads consultant for your MSP business can be a great investment. They can help you achieve your goals and generate more leads and sales from paid search. Just make sure you take the time to find a consultant who is a good fit for your business and has the experience and expertise you need.

If you want to talk about Google Ads and the impact they can have on your MSP business, give me a call at 855-964-2608. I'm more than happy to have a conversation with you.


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