Managed Service Providers Waste Thousands Of Dollars On Google Ads

99.9% of MSPs are wasting money on their Google Ads. Why? Simple, they don't know how to run ads properly. We know ads. Call us.

MSPs And Google Ads: Many Burn Money Every Single Month With Nothing To Show

I have been on one side of countless conversations with MSP leaders about whether Google Ads will have any impact on lead generation for their MSP.

Some MSP leaders will tell you they do not believe Google Ads work and others will tell you Google Ads does work and they will provide the evidence to back up their belief.  I have worked on Google Ad campaigns for MSPs and I believe that it is a fantastic tool to invest money in. Do I believe Google Ad campaigns work for Managed Service Providers? Truthfully - sometimes.

I always like to be honest with my clients and any prospective clients, so I will let clients know that Google Ads will not work for everyone. Google Ad campaigns have been run by countless businesses and organizations across the globe, and some have found significant success and others did not reach the level of success they anticipated.

Google Ad Campaigns For Managed Service Providers

An MSP can close six figures on ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) contracts by making an investment in Google Ads, but the investment could reach over $20,000. I would say that is a pretty significant return on investment, wouldn't you?

However, that investment is only for Google Ads. It does not include the additional work that is needed for a member of the sales team to actually close a sale. While this can certainly be an experience for many MSPs, this will not be the experience for all MSPs. Another MSP could make a sizeable investment in a Google Ad campaign and have a negative experience.

What If Google Ads Is Not Effective For A Managed Service Provider?

For MSPs that have a negative experience or an experience that did not reach their expectations, there are other routes that can be taken. While the money they previously spent on Google Ads can be redirected to Google Ad management spending, the financial resources could also be redirected to other areas, including MSP content marketing services.

As an MSP leader, you will never know when someone is on the hunt for a new Managed Service Provider, but you will always want to be prepared when the searches begin to happen. With an effective MSP content marketing strategy, an MSP could achieve a higher ranking if the MSP content is properly optimized for search engines. Not every MSP wants to structure the same type of Google Ad campaign because Google Ad campaigns will require investment, a significant amount of time, and patience.

6 Months - Great Results

Stuart and the team at Ulistic have been with us for 6 months and the guidance, dedication and commitment to creating our marketing is unrivaled. Stuart’s experience in marketing and knowledge of the industry shows through in all aspects of their work. I can highly recommend Ulistic to any company advancing their marketing journey.

Sarah Mcavoy

Google Ad Campaign's Location Settings

With any campaign you want to create for your MSP, you have the ability to geotarget ads to specific areas, including cities, states, or countries. However, did you know that Google Ads sets your targeting to every location, even locations you have probably never heard of? So, if your product or service is not relevant to every person on this planet, do you really need to have your ads targeting everyone across the globe?

I have seen many MSPs make this error - targeting a wider geography than they realized. One of the quickest ways to waste money on Google Ads is showing your ads to people who are not within your serviceable location. If you are an MSP in the United States, do you really need your ads to be shown in India and Pakistan?

Fortunately, there is a way you can adjust this setting during the setup of your Google Ads campaign. You can target a particular location or a radius around that location. It is rather quick to set up a Google Ads campaign and target specific locations. However, if you are not sure what the potential ramifications could be, you could waste a significant amount of your budget on ads that will never generate results because they are being shown to people who are not within your service area. Ensure that all of your Google Ads campaigns are targeting the locations that make the most sense for your MSP.

When used the right way, Google Ads can be extremely beneficial and profitable to your MSP. Unfortunately, I have seen many mistakes made by MSPs that leave them with unsuspecting and disappointing results. While there may be some MSPs in some regions that will experience faster and better results than others, MSPs from every region can find success with Google Ads, but there are several factors that will impact an MSP's results.

For some MSPs, Google Ads will work right away, but others may need to focus more on content marketing. Combined with an effective SEO strategy, Google Ads can transform your content marketing.

Google Ads is a great way to get your MSP content marketing moving quickly while you wait for your other strategies to make their impact. However, you cannot rush into a Google Ads campaign strategy because it could result in a significant amount of spending that will yield little to no results. It is important to take the proper steps and ask the proper questions to ensure your MSP gets the most out of your Google Ads campaign.

While some leaders may want to tackle a Google Ads campaign on their own because they anticipate that it may be cheaper to go this route, this may not lead to the best results. There are several mistakes that can be made along the way that will result in your MSP wasting money. Your MSP may want to consider reaching out to experts who know exactly how to use  Google Ads and has experience in the MSP sector.

Google Ads For Managed IT Service Providers

I have recently talked about the importance of having several different channels fueling your MSP, and Google Ads can be one of those channels. However, as with any channel you implement, you want it to result in leads.

Google Ads for MSPs can take some time to get right, but it can be done. For more information on Google Ads, including how your MSP can avoid wasting money when creating a Google Ads campaign, contact Ulistic LP today.


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