Does Your “Gift List” Match Your Prospect’s Wish List?”

With the holiday-shopping schedule fast approaching, your prospects aren’t only thinking about what they’ll be giving to others, but what they’d like to get. The smart “Santa” knows what the recipient would like to receive. How does he learn this? —By asking and listening of course. Just like prior planning and thought is key in […]

With the holiday-shopping schedule fast approaching, your prospects aren’t only thinking about what they’ll be giving to others, but what they’d like to get. The smart “Santa” knows what the recipient would like to receive. How does he learn this? —By asking and listening of course.

Just like prior planning and thought is key in the process of giving the perfect gift—the same goes for the perfect sale.  As an MSP looking to make a sale, you should do what Santa does—Ask what your prospects would like to receive, and ensure it’s on your list of “gifts” or products and services.

Many MSPs go into a sales meeting with “their template list” of products and services in hand—cloud solutions, help-desk service, monthly maintenance plans, etc.  But they haven’t refined this list according to what their prospects really want. This requires research that must be done before a sales meeting.

This may sound like a lot of work, but aligning your list with what your prospect wants is the only way you’ll make a sale.

Ulistic can help simplify your work with our easy-to-follow,

17-Step Sales Process for MSPs. Download it for free at

Unfortunately, just like the person who gives the “ugly Christmas sweater” each year, many MSPs continue to present the standard list of IT services and support to their prospects, thinking that this will be enough to impress them.  It’s not. 

Using the right information and the proper sales process will help you determine what your prospect is really looking for, and convince them that you’re the best MSP to provide it.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Here’s How IT Goes! 

Just like Santa Claus, set up a meeting before “gift-giving time” (the pre-sales meeting) and ask your prospect some key questions.  You can do this over the phone or in a questionnaire:

  1. The size of their company.
  2. How many offices they have and where they’re located.
  3. Do they have a technology budget and, if so, how much is allocated per year for support and new equipment.
  4. Do they work with an existing MSP?  If yes, who?
  5. What is the one thing they wish their current MSP did for them that they aren’t doing now?
  6. How many computer users, servers do they have, etc.
  7. Any other technical or business questions that are important for you to know.
  8. Why are they looking to change MSPs?
  9. Are they interviewing or meeting with other IT service firms, and if so,
  10. Are these meetings scheduled?  Ask who the other firms are.

Try to get as much information as you can!

Then be sure to have one of your “elves” rush off your Marketing Kit to the prospect so they can learn more about you.

Now, Open “Santa’s Workshop” and Get to Work! (Work day and night if necessary.)

You’re not done—you’ve just started. You and your “elves” (sales assistants) should do some more intense research and preparation so you can compile your customized “gift list.”

  • Google” your prospect, visit their website, their company profiles and individual profiles on LInkedIN.
  • Call their competitors for information about them (this may result in another lead).
  • Find out as much information as possible about your prospect and what makes them tick. This is important.
  • This step is crucial and must never be skipped.  Get valuable insight into the personality type of your prospect.  Are they a D, I, S, or, C personality?  Don’t know the DISC profile?  Visit or other DISC-profile assessments, or learn more about the DISC Tool.
  • Print out their website and LinkedIn profiles, and highlight key messages with a highlighter. Include this in your sales folder to take with you for your first meeting. (This demonstrates that you’re extremely interested in their business. When they see this during the first sales meeting, this will impress them.)

Call To Set Up The Sales Meeting

Call your prospect and ask some final, more insightful questions about their business. (This demonstrates that you’re truly interested in their business and also provides you additional valuable insight.)

Ask questions about their company, executives, competitors, and any industry trends that may affect them.

Ask them the following question:

“How would I know if someone I’m speaking with is a good lead for your company?”

This gives you perspective on what type of company they’re looking to work with, and you may even have a lead for them.

After your telephone meeting, thank the prospect and make sure you mention that you’re looking forward to your meeting on “insert date and time here.”

Important:   Make sure they received the Marketing Kit your “elves” delivered! 

“Checking IT Twice”

Then “Santa” should “Look at his list and check it twice,” as the song goes:

Make sure your “gift list” aligns with your prospect’s “wish list.”

If you follow these steps (ask, listen, prepare) you’ll present the perfect “gift” to your prospect and make the sale!

Be a smart “Santa” this year, download the Ulistic 17-Step Sales Process eBook today and start executing. (It’s Ulistic’s gift to you!) Your success in sales is guaranteed if you just follow this simple process!


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