Roaring Penguin Empowers Businesses to Do Email Security Differently!

Roaring Penguin has excelled in providing exceptional customer service to deliver unmatched enterprise-level security services. Delivered the way you need it, when you need it! Sam Coyl, President and CEO of Netrepid, gives high praise to Roaring Penguin as a trusted email security partner. Coyl remarks, “The dynamic services we receive from Roaring Penguin, through […]

Roaring Penguin has excelled in providing exceptional customer service to deliver unmatched enterprise-level security services. Delivered the way you need it, when you need it!

Sam Coyl, President and CEO of Netrepid, gives high praise to Roaring Penguin as a trusted email security partner. Coyl remarks, “The dynamic services we receive from Roaring Penguin, through their ability to offer a single platform, gives us all the necessary tools required to implement and maintain enterprise-level security and has created an effective way to maintain and secure our business communications.”

Roaring Who?

Roaring Penguin develops anti-spam and email filtering software solutions that work the way you want.

Gain control over your network security with the ability to specify and implement rules and policies over the access to your sensitive company data - It’s literally as simple as a single click of a button. With Roaring Penguin as your email security service provider, you can feel rest assured knowing they have the expertise needed to keep your data safe and secure from falling into the wrong hands.

Why Make the Switch to Roaring Penguin?

Like many businesses today, Netrepid was experiencing challenges in their everyday operations due to the security provider they had chosen. Sam explains the situation, saying, “They were using Postini for spam filtering. We’ve grown from 20 servers to almost 3000 servers now, so we’ve had huge growth. We realized as we grew that Postini just didn’t have the scalability and dynamic tools we needed. We had no control over it and it was expensive, so we looked at some different services - Leading us to discover Roaring Penguin.”

According to Sam, “Without the tools that we have with Roaring Penguin, there’s probably a good 15-20% of our business we wouldn’t be able to do. Those features enable us to generate about 20% of our revenue!”

Sam elaborates, saying, “It’s so easy to implement any needed security feature that every one of our clients can take advantage of it… Being able to put in the archiving, the store and forward, and the secure messaging - all on a single platform without having to manage 18 different vendors to get those tools working is incredibly valuable for us!”

Discover what makes Roaring Penguin the best source for enterprise-level security services! Give us a call at 716.799.1999, or send us an email:



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