Jeff Hanson of Trust I.T.: “I Feel Like I’ve Had More Leads since Ulistic Came In”

Is your MSP building up steam and starting to go places? Are you ready to generate more leads and really see a difference from your online marketing? Are you sick to death of MSP sites that say the same thing as your competitors’? Then you’re in the same boat Jeff Hanson, President of Trust I.T., […]
  • Is your MSP building up steam and starting to go places?
  • Are you ready to generate more leads and really see a difference from your online marketing?
  • Are you sick to death of MSP sites that say the same thing as your competitors’?

Then you’re in the same boat Jeff Hanson, President of Trust I.T., was before he signed on with Ulistic. Jeff has experience to spare in both IT and running a business in general. But good service and a depth of experience isn’t enough in this field: You need to know (or hire someone who does know) how to market yourself to succeed.

So Jeff did what our industry shows off as the best solution: He outsourced. But the first company he turned to for an online marketing solution didn’t really live up to his expectations.

“I wasn’t happy with their performance,” said Hanson. “One of the big things they had done is they had gone to my competitors in town and did their websites. So I had two competitors in Baton Rouge whose websites looked exactly like mine, which was extremely frustrating.”

It’s not quite ideal to have competitors with websites that look just like yours... Hanson wanted to stand out from the competition, not blend in. The experience made Hanson drop that company and contract Ulistic instead.

“I chose Ulistic because I attended one of their seminars that was done locally. I appreciated the information that was provided and it made sense, I liked their marketing approach. I looked at some of the sites [Ulistic] had done for other businesses and they all looked different.”

 “[Ulistic] provides a deeper level of results and services, like, doing those case studies. That’s something I felt I would always have to do on my own. I can just tell you guys ‘hey, I got a case study’ and you all will go out and do it and post it.”

What had changed since Trust I.T. hired Ulistic? Would Hanson recommend Ulistic to other MSPs?

I feel like I’ve had more leads since Ulistic came in… Ulistic really helps in the pre-sales process. You guys excel at doing a more robust service. It’s not just the site, [Ulistic] is helping with the social media aspect that we didn’t before, the case studies, more creativity with the website... Everything’s great, I like the way it works on Basecamp, everybody I’ve worked with has been easy to work with and quick to respond, everyone on their team has been wonderful. I've already referred other companies to Ulistic.

The websites we design are polished and unique, and our creative content and social media presence gives your marketing effort the extra kick that it needs for stratospheric success. We know that every MSP wants more leads – that’s what we’re here for. Contact us at {phone} or send an email to {email} to discover a better way of connecting with your clients.


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