Businesses In Houston Can Now “Test Drive” Microsoft Office 365 For Free!

Houston, TX (March 6, 2014) —CITOC, a two-time Microsoft Partner of the Year is offering businesses in Houston a complimentary 2-Hour Microsoft Office 365 Hands-On Workshop for their employees.  CITOC´s Hands-On Workshop brings the power of Microsoft Office 365 to your office. Your team can experience Office 365 on our equipment. CITOC’s CEO, BJ Farmer, […]

Houston, TX (March 6, 2014) —CITOC, a two-time Microsoft Partner of the Year is offering businesses in Houston a complimentary 2-Hour Microsoft Office 365 Hands-On Workshop for their employees.  CITOC´s Hands-On Workshop brings the power of Microsoft Office 365 to your office. Your team can experience Office 365 on our equipment. CITOC’s CEO, BJ Farmer, a Certified Microsoft Facilitator, will lead the Workshops.

Many Houston businesses are coping with shrinking budgets as well as an increase in security challenges as more employees bring their own devices to work. New offerings like Microsoft Office 365 offer businesses better solutions that integrate more easily into IT systems while still offering employees the flexibility to use their tablets, PCs, and smartphones at work.  Plus Office 365 drives greater productivity and innovation and reduces costs for businesses.

Microsoft Office 365 lets you:

  • Collaborate in real-time with Team Members regardless of location
  • Use Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office applications without additional licensing
  • Coordinate Calendar and Email Connections
  • Reliable access to software 24/7
  • Share and protect documents
  • Communicate with anyone, anywhere at any time using online video conferencing and Instant Messaging

CITOC’s 2-Hour Microsoft Office 365 Hands-On Workshop: 

Incorporates true-to-life experiences: The CITOC Office 365 Workshop isn’t just a generic demo. It’s a true-to-life user experience that takes employees through common work-related scenarios. These include working remotely, leveraging social networking to locate expertise and share information, and connecting in real-time with coworkers and customers.

Promotes business communications: Participating in the CITOC Office 365 Workshop is a great way for employees to better understand the IT solutions the company is using, which can lead to process improvements and an improved workplace environment.

Is an interactive, team-building and fun experience: Participating in CITOC’s Office 365 Workshop is the best way to learn about business productivity tools and technologies without the sales pressure.   

Private Businesses with 30 or more employees are invited to sign up. Workshops will be help from March 31st thru April 2nd. Space and time are limited.  To sign up for your session, please go to or for more information contact CITOC by email at:


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