The Spartan Foundation Looks to Coleman Technologies for Trustworthy & Responsive IT Support to Prevent Costly Downtime & Productivity Loss!

The Spartan Foundation, located in Langley, BC, is a nonprofit organization composed of a group of business people, alumni, parents of alumni, and parents of athletes that strive to develop a sustainable and strategic funding model for the Trinity Western University Spartan Athletics Program. When the Spartan Foundation was looking for reliable and timely IT […]

The Spartan Foundation, located in Langley, BC, is a nonprofit organization composed of a group of business people, alumni, parents of alumni, and parents of athletes that strive to develop a sustainable and strategic funding model for the Trinity Western University Spartan Athletics Program. When the Spartan Foundation was looking for reliable and timely IT support to resolve technology issues and disruptions, Coleman Technologies was the right IT support company for the job!

The Situation: A Need for Reliable and Timely IT Support to Prevent IT Issues from Resulting in Costly Downtime & Productivity Loss

As a nonprofit organization, the Spartan Foundation heavily relies on their technology to reduce the cost and time associated with delivering services, engaging stakeholders, and fundraising. And when their technology fails, it’s fundamental to ensure issues are resolved in a timely and efficient manner.

Steve Scholz, Executive Director at the Spartan Foundation, explained their need for reliable and timely IT support: “There’s always going to be IT needs and computer problems. If I have a problem with my computer and I can’t figure it out. I need to call somebody to resolve it.”

The Resolution: An Experienced and Trustworthy IT Support Company That Keeps Their Technology Running at All Times

As a leading IT support company in Langley, BC, Coleman Technologies has the experience and expertise needed to keep the Spartan Foundation’s technology running at all times. When IT issues occur, they’re resolved in a timely and efficient manner to prevent costly downtime and productivity loss.

Steve Scholz offered some valuable insight into the benefits of working with Coleman Technologies: “They have very good response times and everything is resolved right away! There’s been times when they’ve gone above and beyond our expectations and I thought ‘well that’s kind of a nice extra.’”

He also believes they’re trustworthy and experienced: “I would definitely recommend them because they come in, do what needs to be done, and it’s not like they’re trying to prolong the process to get more money. They don’t try to do more than necessary. I trust them, they know what needs to be done and they do it.”

To learn more about our IT services and support for nonprofit organizations, give us a call at (604) 628-3425 or send us an email at Coleman Technologies provides cost-effective IT services and support to help you better deliver services and achieve your nonprofit organization’s mission.


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