Persistence Pays Off In the End. Have Courage! Revisit Your Rejections.

You work hard to market your services. Sometimes prospects just aren’t ready to sign up for your services. The timing may not have been right. Although this is disappointing you shouldn’t give up.  In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “ Energy and persistence conquer all things!”  Have courage and revisit your rejections!  You may be […]

MSP Marketing

You work hard to market your services. Sometimes prospects just aren’t ready to sign up for your services. The timing may not have been right. Although this is disappointing you shouldn’t give up.  In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “ Energy and persistence conquer all things!”  Have courage and revisit your rejections!  You may be surprised when prospects reconsider your offerings.

We’ve included a template of a letter you can use to “re-invite” your prospects to learn more about your services. 

What do you have to lose?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!


{Executive Name}
{Prospect Company Name}
{Address 1}
{Address 2}

Dear {Name}, 

I understand that you’ve considered doing business with {company} in the past, and I’m writing to ask that you reconsider us for your IT Partner.

{company} is a leading provider of Managed IT Solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses in {area}.  Our clients will tell you that we provide exceptional service and support, and that they can rely on us 24/7 for all their IT needs.   

{company} Is {area}’s Top IT Provider.

Since {date}, our clients have benefitted from our business acumen and technical expertise.  They tell us that they experienced immediate results when they selected {company} as their IT provider, with fewer failures, greater employee productivity, huge savings on IT costs and increased profitability.  

If yours is like most businesses in {area}, technology is core to your operations. 

When your technology fails every aspect of your business can come to a grinding halt:

  • Productivity stops,
  • Payroll money is wasted,
  • Customers and clients become incensed taking their business elsewhere, and
  • Your financial losses increase by the minute. 

{company} can ensure your IT remains up and running, and is protected from today’s ever-increasing security threats.

You need and deserve the best IT services available to keep your IT functioning at peak performance and protect your confidential data.

{company} can ensure your IT functions 24/7.   

With the expertise of our certified team of professionals, and through our proactive managed services, we’ll prevent network failures before they occur. With regular maintenance and real-time 24/7 monitoring we can ensure the reliability and stability of your IT assets.

{company} can protect your business from cybercrime and viruses.

{company} will ensure you benefit from the best-in-class antivirus solutions, commercial-grade firewalls, industry-leading anti-spam solutions, and security updates.  We will protect your IT system from vulnerabilities and exploits, keeping it safe from cybercriminals and viruses.

{company} can provide you low-cost IT solutions.

With the use of our cost-effective solutions you can increase your IT efficiencies and overall productivity. This will ultimately result in increased profitability for your business.  

{company} can help you build strong business relationships.

Through our customized business solutions we’ll help you build strong, lasting business relationships. We work diligently to do the necessary research to understand exactly what you need to maximize your credibility with customers, vendors and peers.

{company} will provide a customized technology plan that meets your business’s unique needs.    

Rather than providing a “one-size-fits-all” solution, we’ll learn about your business and develop a customized technology plan for the future. We’ll use state-of-the art technology and maintenance to help you grow your business.    

We hope you will give us another chance to show you how we can provide lasting benefits for your business through better IT. Please call me personally at {phone} so I can tell you how.  Or to book a no-obligation, IT assessment, simply email us at: {email}

For more information about our IT services, please visit us on the Web at: {url}





If you need assistance, Ulistic is always here to help.  For more information about how we can help you meet your marketing goals for 2014 call us at 719.799.1999, or fill out our contact form at:


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