MSP Marketing Expert Stuart Crawford Recognized as Major Influencer of MSP Industry

The team at Ulistic is proud to announce that our founder and CEO, Stuart Crawford, has been named one of the 2015 MSP Mentor 250, a list honouring the world’s top managed services provider (MSP) executives, entrepreneurs and experts.

The team at Ulistic is proud to announce that our founder and CEO, Stuart Crawford, has been named one of the 2015 MSP Mentor 250, a list honouring the world’s top managed services provider (MSP) executives, entrepreneurs and experts.

The list is based on an annual global readership survey from MSPmentor, combined with their own daily coverage of the managed services market. So you can rely on the list to tell you not only who the writers at MSPmentor think are the movers and shakers of the industry, but who their own readers look to for leadership.

MSPmentor Recognizes the Influence of the Ulistic MSP Marketing Strategy Based on Solid Experience from Running a Real MSP

After successfully selling IT Matters, a Calgary-based MSP in 2008, Stuart started Ulistic to help managed service providers achieve stratospheric growth through reliable and effective marketing and sales strategies. Today, Ulistic is a 19-person MSP sales and marketing consulting company dedicated to bringing real marketing solutions for MSPs based on Stuart’s experience in growing and maintaining IT Matters:

  • Building trust with clients and prospects through useful I.T. solutions for real business problems.
  • Focusing on business value first, and how technology contributes to it.
  • Connecting with C-level executives in target companies by providing useful information they can put to work right away.
  • Leveraging social media and the Internet as an effective platform for connecting with prospective clients.

You can look forward to a great New Year full of new strategies from Stuart and the team at Ulistic to help MSPs succeed and thrive. We’re ready to keep shaping the future of our industry and expect to see Stuart’s name on the 250-list again next year!

Only 1 in 100 IT firms think marketing first, but 100 out of 100 want more leads. Ulistic is here to help managed services providers think strategically about their marketing to get more leads while still focusing on running their business. Our team engages with your team every day, providing expert marketing materials and advice to create a foundation for stratospheric success. Learn more at


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