Stop “Goofing Around” on LinkedIn!

 Start Generating Real MSP Leads By Using LinkedIn Effectively! Social media can be challenging if you’re an owner or a sales professional for the average MSP.  It can be extremely difficult to find the time to set up and manage your LinkedIn efforts effectively. However, it’s critical to make the time to promote your MSP […]

 Start Generating Real MSP Leads By Using LinkedIn Effectively!

MSP LinkedINSocial media can be challenging if you’re an owner or a sales professional for the average MSP.  It can be extremely difficult to find the time to set up and manage your LinkedIn efforts effectively.

However, it’s critical to make the time to promote your MSP business on LinkedIn. When used properly it will reward you with a great ROI.

The following are important steps to complete before you can start generating new opportunities. They are separated into two areas: your LinkedIn profile and LinkedIn groups.

LinkedIn Profile

  • Write a descriptive headline that includes relevant keywords. Also, add your website links and insert a professional photo.
  • Use applications on your profile to showcase content, including Events, Polls, YouTube videos and SlideShare.
  • Write blog content on a regular basis, including whitepapers, case studies, and how-to guides.
  • Post status updates regularly. Use them to link to your information.
  • Follow other company pages of partners, prospects, industry peers, and customers.

LinkedIn Groups

  • Join multiple relevant groups and engage in the group conversations.
  • Reference your blog posts and request input to avoid being self-promotional.
  • Share valuable information that positions you as an expert in your industry.

Once your profile is complete, use the following techniques to generate even more leads.

1.    Use a direct approach to provide information about your company.

Reach out to prospects with their interests in mind. If you’re going to use a direct approach, it’s important to understand who your prospects are and what they require. Discuss their needs and interests, and relay how your business can benefit them. Remember to offer advice, industry insights, or other relevant information before you try to sell yourself.

2.    Start conversations and drive prospects to a landing page on your website.

Start by offering free advice or helpful information to your prospects. Once you’ve connected with your prospect, drive them to your landing page to download a whitepaper, or to sign up for your e-newsletter to get more information. If you start out providing valuable information that’s relevant to their interests and needs, they’ll be inclined to visit your website for more information.

To learn more about using LinkedIn effectively to generate leads, give us a call at  716.799.1999 x102 or send us an email at Ulistic can help you create an effective LinkedIn strategy to turn prospects into clients.


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