Desert Rose OB/GYN clinic in Mesa, AZ, is dedicated to providing the best treatment for the health of their patients.

Desert Rose OB/GYN had begun to struggle with IT systems that were too slow for their needs and were dragging down their productivity – their information technology just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Plus they were concerned about HIPAA compliance and ensuring their patients’ confidential health information would be safe. All in all, they knew it […]

Desert Rose OB/GYN had begun to struggle with IT systems that were too slow for their needs and were dragging down their productivity – their information technology just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Plus they were concerned about HIPAA compliance and ensuring their patients’ confidential health information would be safe. All in all, they knew it was time for a change.

They needed SynTek.

Whether it was slow or timing out Internet connections, inefficient servers that took too long to load up, or old PCs still running Windows XP that had difficulty supporting the software they used on a daily basis – Desert Rose knew that their IT was at the heart of their lowered productivity.

The Situation: Aging Technology and Bad Internet Connections With Phoenix IT Support That Was Just Too Busy to Handle It

The computers at Desert Rose were over 8 years old, and were still running Windows XP. Their productivity was decreased and they experienced daily frustrations in trying to keep up with their workload.

“It was slow and not efficient at all,” said Ana Lindfors, a representative of Desert Rose OB/GYN clinic. “It was putting us behind every day. On a daily basis it was just one thing after another. We’d had the same IT people for over 20 years, but in the past 6 years, they’ve been a little too busy, and we didn’t get a response for service as fast as I wanted it. I know there’s competition out there. I wanted somebody new, and I didn’t want to be spending a lot of money for things that I know could be done better.”

The Resolution: A Local IT Company Focused on Proactive Support, Big Enough to Keep Them Ahead, Small Enough to Care

Ana put out a call for proposals to see what the competition could offer, and SynTek stepped up to the plate. “I liked what they said,” said Ana. “I liked that they were small, just like our office is. They were professional, and I thought I’d give them a try.”

She was not disappointed. Ana had expected that the SynTek team would come in and help fix and replace the aging technology that was holding them back, but we went above and beyond that. We helped them switch to new, more cost-effective IT systems, and also immediately looked at helping improve their Internet problems – finding a new provider and helping them increase their connection speed while lowering their monthly payment by $700!

We’ve also begun work in helping ensure their compliance to HIPAA regulations, as well as implementing proactive monitoring solutions to help stop problems before they start in the first place.

Ana said that she’s been thrilled with our service. “SynTek is great. Anytime I call, day or night, they answer the phone and I talk to them directly. They’re here within an hour, sometimes less than that. They’re professional, they’re nice to talk to, and they don’t talk down to you – they make sense of things. They drop whatever they’re doing, and they’re here.”

As part of our monthly service for the clinic, we ensure to:

  • Quickly identify & resolve potential IT issues before they can cause downtime for their business.
  • Respond to, or proactively avoid, any outages caused by IT problems.
  • Keep their IT use and growth aligned with their needs, so they only use technology that does what they need and fits within their budget.
  • Prepare them for the future with onsite and offsite backups, so they never have to worry that they’ll be unable to keep working in the face of a technology disaster.

Now that we’ve been able to address the stability of their existing systems, we’re focused on the future for Desert Rose. “We’re looking for new ways to be cost-effective and save money,” said Ana. “They’re going to help us with marketing. There are lots of things that they’re doing.”

What’s the final word about Desert Rose’s experience with SynTek? “They were great!” said Ana. “They don’t stop, even at night-time! You just don’t find people like that anymore.”

Looking for information technology support that’s focused on YOUR needs? SynTek is ready to be your partner in IT, help you plan for the future, and ensure you can focus on what’s important – running your business. Give us a call at (623) 500-6184 or send an email to to learn more!


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