Las Vegas Dell Partner Provides The IT Expertise, Reliable And Secure IT Infrastructure That InfoWerks Requires

The Situation: InfoWerks provides and converts pharmacy data for their clients. They continually manage, transfer, and store protected health information (PHI) so they require a technology infrastructure with high reliability and security. Because they work with PHI, they must ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations.  Orbis Solutions, Inc. assisted them by providing an IT system with […]

The Situation:

InfoWerks provides and converts pharmacy data for their clients. They continually manage, transfer, and store protected health information (PHI) so they require a technology infrastructure with high reliability and security. Because they work with PHI, they must ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations.  Orbis Solutions, Inc. assisted them by providing an IT system with no single point of failure, and high-availability and security for their virtual guest systems.

The Challenge: Establishing a Technology Infrastructure With High Reliability and Security

As a large company with employees in six different states, InfoWerks is extremely reliant on their internal infrastructure. They require a reliable and secure IT system because everything they do involves PHI online.  Approximately 95% of their operations are run virtually, and must be continually monitored to ensure HIPAA compliance to ensure security and hacker-proof environments.

In addition, InfoWerks provides online resources and services that must run 24/7/365, as well as hosting and processing data for customers in an automated environment. Everything they do is technology driven. Without a secure and reliable IT system, they wouldn’t be able to function.

InfoWerks was operating two ESX host servers but was running out of physical resources, and as a result reliability was unacceptable. They had outgrown their internal capabilities and decided to search for an IT provider to assist with their growing needs. They found Orbis Solutions, Inc. and brought them onboard because they provided the mid-level service they needed, along with the required knowledge, expertise and availability.

The Solution: Improved Technology for Increased Reliability and Availability

Orbis Solutions upgraded the RAM (random access memory) and added additional network interface cards to give InfoWerks more memory and data capabilities. Orbis also deployed new Dell switches and Dell Equalogic San to migrate the existing health information on their shared network while providing high-availability.

“Orbis works with the casino industry, so we knew we could count on a certain level of security and privacy when hiring them. If they’re secure enough to provide financial transactions for casinos, then they’re secure enough to provide health care services as well,” explained Jeff from InfoWerks.

Now, in addition to the increased security, InfoWerks also benefits from Orbis’s high availability when they require assistance.

“When we need them, we need them fast. Whether it’s by picking up the phone or emailing them, I get an almost immediate, if not immediate response every time,” said Jeff.

The Result: High Availability of the Virtual Guest Systems with Increased Redundancy and Security

Orbis Solutions was able to provide an environment with no single point of failure and high-availability for virtual guest systems. InfoWerks environment is now four times larger than before:

“My business couldn’t function without this equipment and servers up and running continually, as we’ve proven to ourselves time and time again. I made a mistake yesterday that caused a bunch of stuff to crash, and luckily there was enough redundancy so Orbis could get us back up and running. Everybody got through it relatively easily, and my customers didn’t even notice it,” Jeff exclaimed.

Sean from Orbis commented:

“It’s a pleasure working with InfoWerks.  They’re an IT company and we’re an IT company.  So they can easily understand everything that we’re doing.  They also function under the same principals that we do—Handle IT issues immediately, competently, and securely.  And it’s nice because they appreciate our expertise because they understand the inner workings of IT.”

About InfoWerks

InfoWerks works a little differently than the average pharmacy data management company. On the technology side, they offer cutting-edge services others simply can’t.  And they pride themselves on serving their customers promptly and personally.  They securely store and rapidly transport customer data using the very latest technologies, and with the highest level of personalized service at every turn. For more information contact InfoWerks at:

About Orbis Solutions, Inc.

Orbis Solutions, Inc., located in Las Vegas, Nevada, develops and implements strategically cost-effective technology solutions. We offer a wide variety of products and services that our clients can trust, with solutions that are guaranteed to promote productivity and profitability. Our clients can rest assured knowing that they can reach us at any time, and that we’ll solve their IT problems as quickly as possible. Contact Orbis Solutions for a no-obligation assessment of your IT Service and Support needs by calling (702) 979-1861 or completing the form on our Contact Page.


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