Ulistic Client in Lakeland, Florida Nets $55K Deal From One LinkedIn Post

Don’t Forget.  Your Clients’ $500,000 IT Tax Break Expires December 31st!  Promote This Now To Get In Those Last Minute Sales of The Year! A note to all our MSP clients in the US — One of our clients, Alltek Services, reported a successful sale as a result of our blogs regarding the Section 179 […]

Don’t Forget.  Your Clients’ $500,000 IT Tax Break Expires December 31st!  Promote This Now To Get In Those Last Minute Sales of The Year!

A note to all our MSP clients in the US — One of our clients, Alltek Services, reported a successful sale as a result of our blogs regarding the Section 179 deduction.  Here’s what Tom Bowles from Alltek Services in Lakeland, Florida told us:  

“We have a current customer that we’ve been pounding about the Windows XP issue and had proposed we replace a bunch of workstations and one of their servers.  We had talked about doing it over the next 5 months, but when she saw my LinkedIn post about being able to write it off this year she contacted me and pulled the trigger immediately for $55K!  We would have gotten the business eventually, but the post definitely showed the value to her to get it done this year.”

Read the series of blog posts that Ulistic supplied to Alltek Services:

Has your MSP marketing company helped you share how your clients can save money?  Is your blog service or MSP website service bringing in revenue? Ulistic helps our clients achieve stratospheric success and this is one way we do it.  Get on board with us today.  Call 716.799.1999 x102.

This is a lesson learned.  Post the blog below on your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter accounts, and Website.  Your clients only have a few shopping days left!


It’s Not Too Late to Get Your $500,000 IT Tax Break! But Time Is Running Out.  Contact us before December 31st!

Along with the Christmas shopping rush, business owners and managers are rushing to purchase computers, software and other IT equipment before the Section 179 deduction allowance expires December 31, 2013.  If you are considering a large technology purchase you should do it now to take advantage of this special 100% tax deduction.

Under Section 179, small business owners can deduct the entire cost (100%) of up to $500,000 for computer equipment, network hardware, off-the shelf software and other business equipment. But you must make the purchase before January 1, 2014.

Now’s also the time for those using Microsoft Windows XP to purchase new operating system software.  Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP after April 8, 2014. The same goes for Microsoft Office 2003, Windows Server 2003 and other older operating systems. Your business won’t be secure because you’ll be vulnerable to disastrous viruses and cybercrime as Microsoft will no longer release patches to support this software.   

Time is quickly running out! The end of the year is fast approaching.  For more information contact {company] by calling {phone} or send us a quick email at: {email}


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