Feedback From One Of Ulistic's $297 Marketing Clients

This is how Ulistic helps managed service providers. German Company found me off of the business profile that you created for me on Linked In, not even the actual website.  Still good!  They will employ us on a per project basis, the first one is a nice size 3 day rollout.  It sounds like this […]

This is how Ulistic helps managed service providers.

German Company found me off of the business profile that you created for me on Linked In, not even the actual website.  Still good!  They will employ us on a per project basis, the first one is a nice size 3 day rollout.  It sounds like this one could grow my business by hiring or staffing people on yearly contracts.

Also (insert name here) emailed me and I sold a $2700 (server upgrade) project to him.  I didn't really pitch it to him and shove it down his throat, he needed it because he was running win 7 pro as a server when its not a server OS.  He emailed me so I know it was either the site or linked in.

To say its good is an understatement.  Its great.  

All in all its great.  The other leads and marketing I got before was more or less usually computer repair income which is minimal income compared to projects.

Congrats to our deserve it!




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