Need a Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solution? Core Technology Partners is Here to Help You Out!

When Aurora Investments, a Los Angeles based private investment firm, was looking to update their disaster recovery and business continuity plan, Core Technology Partners was able to offer a comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plan to keep the investment firm up and running in the event of a disaster. As a private investment firm, […]

When Aurora Investments, a Los Angeles based private investment firm, was looking to update their disaster recovery and business continuity plan, Core Technology Partners was able to offer a comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plan to keep the investment firm up and running in the event of a disaster.

As a private investment firm, it’s important for Aurora Investments to be up and running at all times, even in the event of a disaster, in order to serve their clients’ needs and meet regulatory requirements.

The Situation: Trouble Meeting Updated Regulatory Requirements for Recovery Time Objectives (RTO)

When regulatory requirements were updated, Aurora Investments started looking to update their disaster recovery and business continuity plan to ensure they could meet new recovery time objectives (RTO). While their current disaster recovery solution offered a high degree of redundancy, the RTO wasn’t aligned with their goals. In addition, their recovery data center was located too close to their corporate office, which could impact recovery efforts if a disaster covered a large geographic area in their region.

The Resolution: A Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solution to Exceed The Required Recovery Time Objectives (RTO)

Core Technology Partners designed a new disaster recovery solution to provide recovery points for local and cloud-based systems. In addition, Core Technology Partners converted all of the physical services to virtual services, in order to reduce the amount of hardware in the local and data center environments by 80%.

Once the project was completed, Aurora Investments was able to:

  • Reduce the exposure time for data recovery to near real-time with an active passive failover to a data center located in another state.
  • Exceed their required RTO and reduce the exposure gap for data loss to less than one hour.
  • Rest assured knowing they’re in compliance with updated regulatory requirements.

To learn more about disaster recovery and business continuity planning visit Core Technology Partners can help you meet regulatory requirements and ensure recoverability in the event of a disaster.


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