Does Your Home Business in Auburn, California Rely On Your Computer System?

Dennis Fischer is a physicist who runs a consulting business from his home in Auburn, California. His home computer is the center of that business – not only letting him keep his important records, but also connecting him to his clients whenever he needs. When that computer crashed, it looked like disaster for Dennis, and […]

Dennis Fischer is a physicist who runs a consulting business from his home in Auburn, California. His home computer is the center of that business – not only letting him keep his important records, but also connecting him to his clients whenever he needs. When that computer crashed, it looked like disaster for Dennis, and he knew he needed to get help from the best computer support in Auburn to save his livelihood. But with the unique nature of his work and the fact that he ran his business out of his home, he was having difficulty finding the right fit for his needs.

Then he found Golden Briar.

Dennis’s consulting business is focused on unique technologies – optical thin films for high-power lasers. Because of this, he doesn’t use your run-of-the-mill Microsoft software to get his work done. He has unique software with a large database of sensitive files that form the core of his business.

The Situation: A Broken-Down Computer That Many “Experts” Called Unsalvageable

It’s the worst nightmare of anyone who runs a business out of their home. Dennis’s computer just stopped working one day. Dennis had enough experience with computers to know that it wasn’t a simple problem that could be fixed by buying a new part or making a simple repair.

“The hard drive and the motherboard weren’t working,” said Dennis. “I needed a new computer, but I also needed someone who could rescue the files. I need those files for my business. Not just anybody can do that.”

Unfortunately, Dennis did not have much luck at first trying to find the right IT support for his problem. “I’d been looking at several local companies, and I found that they were all just... really bad,” Dennis confessed. “Most wouldn’t talk to me unless I brought my computer right to their shop, and one said that he’d charge me $400 just to even look at it, whether they could help me or not. I have a history of working with [computers], so I know when a company doesn’t care about my needs.”

The Resolution: IT Professionals Focused on Results and Straightforward Services, Ready to Get the Job Done

After some disappointment with other companies, Dennis finally connected with Terry Buck and the crew at Golden Briar. “When I met Terry, I knew immediately he was the right guy,” said Dennis. “He seemed to understand the problem and knew how to fix it quickly.”

Terry didn’t waste Dennis’s time with hemming and hawing. He met Dennis right away, checked out the computer, and determined that both the hard drive and the motherboard were no longer working. He gave Dennis a quote sheet for Golden Briar’s services, clearly laying out what he could do and how much it would cost, with nothing hidden in the margins or left out. The bottom line? He could help Dennis, and would do everything it took to get his files back.

And that’s exactly what he delivered. Terry was able to rescue the all-important files for Dennis’s business and advise him on the purchase of a new computer, with services to keep his files safeguarded against something like this happening again in the future.

“The main thing to me wasn’t price,” said Dennis. “It was trust. He delivered exactly what he said he would, and didn’t charge me for anything but that. With something like this, he could have expanded the charges easily.”

Not only was Dennis impressed with Terry’s work, but he also said that he was easy to work with and incredibly professional. “At one point, my wife came home and met him,” said Dennis. “She said he’s the most professional guy she’d ever met. We have a lot of contractors come in and out of our home, so, it kind of hit me – wow! He really is the most professional! I was impressed with her statement – I’ve never heard her say it about anyone else.”

Tired of dealing with IT companies that care more about the price tag than your needs? Terry Buck and the team at Golden Briar are ready to meet with you, discuss what YOUR needs are, and show you that there’s a better way to do IT. Call us at (530) 268-0909 or send an email to today to learn more about how we can help you.


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