What’s The “Secret Word Of The Day?”

I can’t get over how many managed service providers tell me how they benefit from the advice Ulistic provides on a regular basis.  I’m totally honored and humbled that so many subscribe to our content.  It just goes to show you that great content is the way to promote your managed services marketing efforts. OK…It’s […]

I can’t get over how many managed service providers tell me how they benefit from the advice Ulistic provides on a regular basis.  I’m totally honored and humbled that so many subscribe to our content.  It just goes to show you that great content is the way to promote your managed services marketing efforts.

OK…It’s time to take a break. Here’s something fun for you.  It will only take a minute…

Are you ready?

It’s time for the “Secret Word Of The Day!”

Remember Pee Wee Herman’s Playhouse and his “Secret Word” of the day?  I loved watching his show as a kid. (This probably explains my weird sense of humor.)

At the beginning of each show, he asked us to “scream real loud” every time a character on the show said the secret word.

Today, the “Secret Word” is…


Yes…Expertise is the Secret Word of the Day.  (SCREAM!)   Doesn’t that feel good?

I have no doubt that many of you have expertise (SCREAM!).  I’m also 100% totally confident that many of you get a BIG FAT FAIL when it comes to demonstrating your expertise (SCREAM!) on your websites and other marketing materials.

Come on now…Just look at your website!

Many of you post the same, boring long list of services.

Here are some examples:

  1. IT Company 1
  2. IT Company 2
  3. IT Company 3 (OMG – The shields of honor!!!)

Need more examples?

All of your competitors are doing the same thing. This just leaves your prospects’ scratching their heads asking, “What the heck do they do?”

If you all have an expertise (SCREAM!) in something, why aren’t you showing it off to your business community?

Why does your blog content lack your experiences?

Why don’t you have clients sharing their stories on your expertise (SCREAM!) telling how you helped them achieve great things?

OK, I know…Some of you feel like this is bragging.

Well, “It ain’t bragging if you can back it up!” This means you must post case studies on your website. Let your best clients brag about your expertise (SCREAM!).

“It ain’t bragging” if people are asking you to share your expertise (SCREAM!) with their audience.

The biggest challenge MSPs have when it comes to sharing their expertise (SCREAM!)  is TIME and KNOW HOW.

Well, guess what? … Ulistic can tackle both of these for you.

Let’s talk for a few moments about sharing expertise (SCREAM!). Is your throat getting sore? Mine is.

Seriously –

Don Jennings runs a top managed services business in Richardson, Texas. He’s now transitioning into working with just one vertical.  He’s not quite there yet, but we’re helping him share his expertise (SCREAM!) in this vertical.

How is this going?

Well… Don has a ton of expertise (SCREAM!) working with eClinicalWorks (eCW). eCW is an electronic medical record (EMR) service. Don’s Healthcare IT firm specializes in this area.  He doesn’t say no to medical clinics or healthcare organizations that work with other EMR solutions. But, because he has an expertise (SCREAM) in eCW’s offerings, he shares information and tips about them in his blogs, on social media, and he even in his email marketing.

The result?

Don effectively squeezes out his competitors who are generalists – even those in the healthcare space who don’t specialize in what eCW does.

Read Don’s most recent article on his expertise (SCREAM!) with eCW:

eClinicalWorks Support in Dallas

What’s the benefit of doing this?

Don can charge more than his competitors and win more contracts as the expert (no scream – Ha, caught you!) in this vertical.

You see, experts want other experts taking care of their technology. They don’t want some rookie or generalist MSP managing their IT if they don’t know about the applications or solutions they use.

Get with the program!

It’s scream time!


Do this now:

  1. Figure out what you’re good at.
  2. Speak to your clients and ask them to share how this expertise (SCREAM!) has helped their business.
  3. Record it on video or get it on paper.
  4. Promote the heck out of it.
  5. Sit back and count your money.

OK…maybe point 5 is a little premature. But, I can tell you that you’ll make more money and have a better business if you focus on your expertise (SCREAM!) and use this expertise (SCREAM!) to effectively squeeze out your competitors.

What are you waiting for?

Get out and start kicking butt in the marketplace.


PS – Tired of screaming? Need help figuring this out?  Call me at 855-964-2608 or send me an email at Let’s have a frank discussion about how your marketing efforts are working (or aren’t) and maybe, just maybe, we can work together.


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