What Insight Can Las Vegas MSPs Draw from Cameron Call’s Interview?

Discover what insights Cameron Call from NSA in Las Vegas shares as his part of the country starts to recover from COVID-19.

Cameron Call From NSA Joins The MSP Show

The novel coronavirus has changed the rulebook for every industry in the world. This is especially true for the services industry. The casino and health care industry are two different cases at this point. But, the strict rules governing both offer a unique perspective into technology that can help them adapt.

Managed IT service providers have a unique role to play in this transformation. Ulistic’s Stuart Crawford recently had the pleasure of hosting Cameron Call. An operations manager at NSA (Network Security Associates), a leading Managed IT service provider in Las Vegas.

As a representative of a company that provides MSP services to casinos and health care providers, Cameron sheds light on how MSPs can help other industries thrive during such hard times. The same insight could also shape the future of the MSP industry.

How Managed IT Service Providers Can Help Healthcare Providers

Las Vega’s healthcare system is facing the same challenges as most facilities face in the country. NSA has kept working closely with its clients in this industry. Here are a few observations Cameron has to share from sustaining this close relationship during the pandemic.

Here are a few things he had to share:

Community Outreach

The current pandemic has shut down many industries, except for essential industries. Health care is such an exception. Even with such limitations, Doctors and other medics still face various challenges to their health and service delivery.

One such challenge is scheduling regular consultations for patients, as most people don’t want to get close to a hospital.

Most hospitals have ineffective solutions to help them stay in touch with such patients. MSPs can provide telehealth solutions to alleviate such stress.

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a regulation that requires all American employees to maintain a medical cover when they lose a job. Healthcare facilities face serious consequences, even with the slightest violations. The current circumstances have also brought some changes to the rules.

MSPs need to help ensure healthcare centers understand such changes. This comes down to even how the new technology they adapt stays within the bounds of HIPPA compliance.

Cloud Security

Companies continue to depend on cloud-based communication and remote work tools. It has reduced the spread of the pandemic, but it leaves data systems vulnerable to attack. Google's Zoom is an excellent example of such an application.

It’s in wide use despite security flaws such as dubious encryption and sending data to other apps. Managed IT providers have a role to play in helping healthcare providers secure their client data. This will help them meet federal security and compliance standards.

Collaborating Through Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is currently one of the best virtual office hubs in the world. The unification of Microsoft office tools such as excel, emailing, virtual desktops, and video conferencing tools offers a fantastic platform for healthcare facilities. They can confer over cases and collaborate in coming up with better ways to address daily concerns.

However, most people need MSPs to help them set up Teams. So, MSPs need to push this innovation as a viable solution to such problems and offer technical support. This will help healthcare providers remain operational. It may also be vital in finding a cure or a viable vaccine or cure to this pandemic.

Insight into MSP and the Casino Industry during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Lockdown procedures may have forced the closure of many casinos. But, MSPs can help casinos beat the spread with a few innovations. Here are some exciting recent developments:


Videogames have been around for decades, but they’ve only recently developed into a competitive sport; some games such as shadow legend cash prices that run into millions for contestants. But, what’s interesting are the sums that people bet on the most popular players.

Gaming platforms depend on cloud connectivity, which MSPs can help casinos maintain. MSPs can also assist casinos in staying compliant with gaming laws as they try to exploit this new income stream.

Exploring Sports Betting

Sports betting could be an avenue to explore in making casinos profitable during this pandemic. However, most sporting events in the nation face closure.

Fortunately, there are a few exciting things people can bet on or against. Such as the outcome of the presidential elections, European soccer, or which country will come up with a corona cure. These scenarios present an opportunity for both casinos and MSPs. However, MSPs face the challenging task of complying with betting laws and maintaining security for such complicated systems.

What MSPs Can Do to Prepare

Marketing services providers have a special role in ensuring their clients remain safe from the pandemic and operational, even with current lockdown directives.

  1. Promote cloud-based remote work technologies such as Microsoft team. Most of your clients approach technology with a cost-benefit analysis mindset. You know the obvious benefits of Teams over Zoom. But your client may opt for zoom since it’s free and easy to use despite the potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Encourage the adoption of AI-based technologies: chatbots can be updated to screen patients for COVID-19 before they visit a healthcare facility. This could be essential to reducing unnecessary hospital visits and keep infection rates down.
  3. Understand the complexities of this current situation. This pandemic has forced shutdowns in nearly every sector of the economy. It’s also brought changes to regulations, such as HIPPA compliance laws. MSPs kind find new opportunities by understanding the ways they can help businesses adapt to such changes.

Engage with Ulistic to Adapt to This Changing Business Climate

Currently, many managed IT service providers are struggling to remain operational. At such challenging times, it's the companies that are quick to adapt that are thriving. Enterprises that fail to adapt to new rules and come up with innovative solutions will vanish.

Ulistic can help you stay afloat in the current turbulent times. We specialize in crafting effective PR and marketing campaigns that place our clients strategically ahead of the competition. The result? More revenue, industrial authority, happier clients, staff, and investors.

Speak with Ulistic today to cut through the noise and ensure your managed IT services reach the right clients.


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