Video Testimonials: A Powerful Marketing Tool

Just think about it. You’re meeting with a client who loves what you do for them. They tell you so—This is great.  But, if you don’t share this, you’ve just missed a valuable marketing opportunity. Why not let your clients speak for themselves? When they “sing your praises” record and share them with everyone! Just […]

Just think about it. You’re meeting with a client who loves what you do for them. They tell you so—This is great.  But, if you don’t share this, you’ve just missed a valuable marketing opportunity.

Why not let your clients speak for themselves? When they “sing your praises” record and share them with everyone! Just use your smartphone to capture them speaking in a video format. Then use the tools you have to promote it—on Facebook, LinkedIn, your website—whatever works for you. Don’t be shy!

Go a bit further. Ask them to extemporize on the products and services you provided that help them the most.  How your services saved them time, money and worries. The more specific the better.

To increase the impact of your video testimonials, use them throughout your marketing materials. Word-of-mouth testimonials are one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use—And, use them to the fullest extent to promote your business.  Ulistic can help.  We have many ways to help you do this affordably and easily!

Don’t be shy. Contact us and we’ll help you get going!


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