Vancouver MSP Makes A Difference

Brian Mauch, the Founder and CEO of BMC Networks, a Vancouver-based outsourced IT provider, understands the importance of building great client relations and standing out in the crowd.

Vancouver MSP Makes A Difference

As a managed service provider (MSP), one of the best things that you can do is gain the trust of your clients. When you are able to build trust, you're not only going to be much better at supporting your client's entire IT infrastructure, but you are going to be better at helping them grow.

As a managed services provider (MSP), what could be better than knowing that you've gained their trust and that you can provide beneficial advice to clients who are leaning on you as they try to make their mark in their industry? As time goes by, this is what you will be looking to build, so you can mean much more to every client that turns to you for your services.

Who are you without your clients? Who are your clients without you? Your clients will still be a business, doing the best they can, whether or not you're the MSP helping them. If you can't keep your clients happy, show them they're respected, deliver high-quality services, deliver on the promises you make, and make sure you've got that "special something", those clients will just find a managed service provider that can. They'll find someone they think is better than you.

Most MSPs get what we're saying, but there's no harm in repeating the message. With that in mind, it's very easy to forget that message, and it is very easy for MSPs to get lost in the crowd. Whether you already have a plan in place for how you can provide better value, or if you are still searching for the best way to do so, there are different things you can do to stand out.

Building Great Client Relations

Many managed service providers (MSPs) don't really understand how quickly things can turn sour when branding is not done correctly. Having good IT services is not enough for a trusted MSP brand, and MSP leaders can miss out on landing the type of clients that top-notch branding brings. The happier your clients are, the more likely they are to refer you to other businesses and organizations that are in need of a managed service provider. Keeping your clients pleased is vital for having a solid business that generates consistent revenue.

Brian Mauch, the Founder and CEO of BMC Networks, a Vancouver-based outsourced IT provider, understands the importance of building great client relations and standing out in the crowd. During the holiday season, many MSPs deliver gifts to their clients, but what do MSPs do when clients are receiving the same gifts from other providers and partners? What can MSPs do to separate themselves and not bring the same gift that will just be added to a pile in the office?

This past holiday season, Brian decided that he would no longer settle for delivering the same box of chocolates that other providers and partners were delivering to clients. He decided to start handing out oranges and poinsettias instead, with the BMC logo on the gifts. He is probably the only one sending out oranges and poinsettias, so this makes him stand out. He's not just another provider who sends out a box of chocolate; he is now the one who sends out oranges and poinsettias.

Brian is doing something different and that is resulting in him standing out in a crowded MSP space. This is a lesson that you can put into your marketing plan. In a space where every MSP is delivering chocolates on a daily basis(i.e. Remote Monitoring, Patching and Updates, Multi-Factor Authentication, Backup and Disaster Recovery, etc.), it is time to be different.

Why Should You Care?

It's important to care about value and making a difference. The more trustworthy you are, the more value you can bring, and the more care you show, the more your MSP business is going to be out there in the eyes of the community. The more well-known you can make your MSP business and the higher your reputation becomes from being a valued managed service provider, the more clients you're going to bring in. That sounds simple and easy, right?

Trust and value are not just things that will simply be handed to your MSP business. This is something that has to be earned. As a managed service provider, it's all about building solid relationships with every client. As you do this, you will eventually gain that level of trust you are seeking. If you begin to show any signs of slippage, the trust that you built can quickly disappear. You must understand the value that your MSP can provide.

Do You Want To Deliver More Than Generic Chocolates?

Are you a generic or premium MSP? Premium MSPs understand what it takes to acquire premium clients over their competitors. Some features that make an MSP premium are the amount of care and resources put into its operational processes and its clients, as well as its ability to be selective about who it works with. One of the keys is to find the white space that no other MSPs are utilizing, leverage it, and use that white space as your competitive advantage. Clients are not going to remember you just for standing in the crowd with the rest of those in the industry, but they will remember you for standing out of the crowd.

When marketing your MSP and the services you provide, you need to gain the trust of every client that you work with. Business is about trust and establishing long-lasting relationships. If there is no trust, you'll just be doing lip service when it comes to your clients needing to transition to the cloud, upgrading their networks, implementing backup and disaster recovery solutions, and more.

Think about the promises you are giving to your clients? Are you doing everything you promised? Are you building solid client relationships? Moving forward, will you continue delivering the same types of chocolates as other providers, or do you want to start delivering oranges and poinsettias?

Contact us today. We would love to discuss your goals for 2022 and how we can help you achieve them and create a premium marketing strategy.


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