I Learned 3 Important Things Hanging Out with Toronto Managed Services Provider Jorge Rojas.

Jorge Rojas runs Tektonics—A Toronto-based Managed IT Services company. Jorge and his partner Sam have been providing IT services in the GTA for almost 20 years. On May 10th, Sarah Strub and I were lucky enough to work with Jorge at the Toronto Entrepreneurs Conference in Mississauga.  This was my first event with Jorge, and […]

Jorge Rojas runs Tektonics—A Toronto-based Managed IT Services company. Jorge and his partner Sam have been providing IT services in the GTA for almost 20 years.

On May 10th, Sarah Strub and I were lucky enough to work with Jorge at the Toronto Entrepreneurs Conference in Mississauga.  This was my first event with Jorge, and it won’t be the last.  Trust me on this one.

His branding, “Moving the Earth to Maintain Your Network”, says it all. Jorge works hard for his clients, and to market his business as well. Jorge and I have an aggressive event schedule for the next few months.  

So, what did I learn?

  1. To watch out for competitors who spy on what you say and do. Another IT services firm sent their representatives to creep around the Tektonic’s booth.  Their army of booth attendees were constantly hanging out around us.  Were they hoping to catch wind of something we were saying—Maybe what our sales pitch was?  Or, perhaps they were looking for our “secret sauce?”

Guess what? There isn’t a simple secret sauce recipe. Every managed services provider typically does the exact same thing as others. Sorry, to burst your bubble.  Just because you subscribe to Gary Pica’s 4 Quadrant Model, doesn’t make you unique.  Yes, I know, some of you believe this, but you’re not. 

  1. I was reminded about the importance of relationships, networking and “showing up.” It didn’t take me long to connect with Andrew, the owner of Katika. He offers graphic-design services to businesses throughout the GTA, and had a booth next to us. We learned a lot from watching this veteran of the trade show circuit. I was reminded about the importance of networking, as well as showing up. He told me that he attends a number of trade shows in Toronto each year, simply because he needs to be seen in order to get new business. Thanks for the reminder Andrew.

Too many managed service providers think they only have to attend an event once, and the flood gates will open up.  This is so far from the truth, people.  You must be seen EVERYWHERE.  Yes, everywhere is in caps for a reason.  In order for your managed IT services company to achieve stratospheric success, you have to get up from your backsides, push away from your desk, and get out and meet people. 

  1. The importance of wearing comfortable shoes. Yes, we were on our feet all day, and boy, I was tired and my “dogs” were sore at the end of the day.  I was so, tired, that I was in bed by 9 PM.  Important advice—Wear comfortable shoes when you attend a conference. And, also when you canvass and knock on doors to meet prospects.

Ulistic can help your managed IT services business just like we did for Jorge and his team at Tektonics.  We can help you “Move the Earth” for your business.  

As part of our VIP Program, we’ll supply you with all the resources you need for trade shows, and, when needed, we’ll even man your booth.      

Interested in knowing more?  Call Stuart at 716.799.1999, or send an email to:


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