Strategic Recovery Matters

Strategic Data Recovery Services with CIO Advise and Recovery Point. Two great companies help firms globally with data recovery services.

Strategic Recovery Matters

I'm a big fan of strategic partnerships. When two businesses that are experts in specific domains come together to bring more value and better services to their clients is a win-win for everyone. I recently sat down with Brian Leimbach — CEO of CIO Advise — and Bob Hicks — CEO at Recovery Point — to discuss their new partnership. Let me start off by saying this: the partnership is awesome. Not only do CIO Advise and Recovery Point leverage their relationship to bring tangible value to their clients, but both companies are also helping one another on a business strategy level.

So how does a Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service company converge with a CRM and Digital Transformation company? And why is this great news for MSPs looking to jump aboard the ever-exciting train of digital transformation?

Digital Transformation in 2021

Nearly every MSP is heavily invested in the digital transformation journey. But there's a stick: less than 30 percent of digital transformations actually succeed. That's obviously a problem! Digital service interactions are expected to increase by 40% next year, and "customer experiences" have already overtaken price and product as the key differentiator between brands. When you throw the COVID black swan into the pot, digital transformation has become a digital necessity. In fact, McKinsey's recent survey suggested that companies have adopted several years' worth of technology over the past 8 months — and that trend is set to continue.

Digital transformation isn't a "nice-to-have." To win in today's digitally-soaked world, you need to invest big in Customer Relationship Management solutions, big data, AI, automation, and the entire alphabet soup of tech acronyms. But even after those investments, your entire transformation can fail. Even if it doesn't, 49% of projects go over the timeline, and 43% go over budget. Digitally transforming is a dangerous business. You have to pour money, energy, and time into onboarding a bunch of digital solutions. Then, you have to connect them, set up a massive data architecture filled with lakes, S3 buckets, and cloud services. Finally, everything has to tie together and actually provide value.

CIO Advise helps minimize pain points during this process. They offer a swarm of tech and consulting services, and they help companies set up Salesforce, Azure, Dynamics, and all of those other great tools that enable transformation. And that's exactly what they did for a company called Recovery Point — a company that provides Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service solutions. CIO Advise came in, helped them digitally transform with best-in-class solutions, and provided critical advisory services for their digital transformation initiative.

So, we know that CIO Advise helped Recovery Point transform to meet the digital demands of the modern customer and remote workforce. But what does Recovery Point do for CIO Advise and their customers?

The Importance of Disaster Recovery

Did you know that the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute? Here's the kicker: 95% of businesses have suffered an IT outage over the past 3 years. These outages can last minutes, hours, days, or weeks. In other words, data outages eat revenue. But that's just the start of this terrible tale of data loss. Hackers attack a business every 39 seconds, and any successful attacks cost small businesses around $50,000 and large companies over $3 million. These costs are almost all associated with lost data and downtime.

Honestly, I was mind-blown researching for this video. I knew that data disasters were a big deal in today's tech ecosystem. But a $3 million bill was a little higher than I expected. At Ulistic, we're very data-driven, and our lead generation strategies are always deeply embedded in data-driven ecosystems. So, I certainly understand the business-facing impact of outages and disasters (I can only imagine losing a few days worth of customer data), but the impact of trust and reputation is also a massive cost that many companies forget about.

Recovery Point mitigates data outages, breaches, and mistakes. Get this: 96% of companies with a disaster recovery plan survive ransomware and major outages. 93% that don't have one fail. Not only does Recovery Point offer targeted disaster recovery plans to businesses, but they're capable of offering those recovery services in virtually any environment — including IBM mainframe, HP-UX, and a variety of other proprietary systems.

Recovery Point & CIO Advise: A Beautiful Partnership

On one hand, we have this incredible digital transformation company helping businesses evolve to meet the demands of the modern age. On the other hand, we have this incredible Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service solution bracing companies to face today's cybersecurity and IT challenges. They're both tackling the same grain of challenges in completely different ways. This is the type of partnership I love. On the surface, it seems a little strange. But once you dig a little, these two companies were meant to be together. They have client overlaps, and they are each able to offer each other and each other's customers something powerful, unique, and purposeful.

While we're on the subject, both of these companies currently serve MSPs. So, if you're in the market for a disaster recovery solution or a group of hyper-specialized IT consultants ready to tackle digital transformation, Recovery Point and CIO Advise may be exactly what you're looking for.

Preparing for the New Digital Age

Disaster recovery and digital transformation are two very important levers of our modern, data-driven world. But there's another huge bucket of value: marketing. The marketing strategies and processes you utilized a few years ago probably aren't going to cut it in 2021. As an MSP, you have plenty on your plate. You have to adjust your business to meet modern needs, navigate the modern cybersecurity landscape, and balance internal needs with client needs. The last thing you should have to worry about is finding a solid pipeline of healthy leads. We can help. At Ultisitc, we've been helping MSPs grow for over 11 years. From brand-building and lead gen to online exposure, we're ready to help you grow. Contact us to learn more.


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