How To Steal Marketing Insights From Competitors and Beat Them

Ever wondered what your competitors are doing online and how you can beat them? Ulistic has a great video that shows you how to do this.

Steal Marketing Insights From Competitors

Have you ever wondered why your MSP competitors have websites that rank higher than your website on Google? Generating search traffic to your website can be confusing. When searching for ways to improve search traffic in the industry, it is important to know what factors are considered to be of high priority to search engines: backlinks and content. There are several other aspects and factors that are also important, and they are not difficult to understand. However, there is often some confusion when it comes to how to improve search engine rankings.

Backlinks play a crucial role in ranking in search engines. Backlinks are the links from other websites which go back to the page on your site.  If your competitors rank at the top of search engines for your target keywords, then your competitors have likely built high-quality backlinks to their pages. Backlinks can also benefit from organic rankings.

  • Backlinks can be used to bring highly-valued traffic to your website from other websites.
  • Backlinks can be used as part of your MSP business's branding strategy to familiarize your target audience with your brand.
  • Your target audience will begin to see that your brand is related to the services they are in need of.

Google can be a valuable source of new leads for your MSP business, but the site ranking process and finding ways to drive traffic can often be confusing. When it comes to SEO, there is a great deal you will have to think about, including the following:

  • How do I choose the right keywords to target online?
  • How can I create content that my target audience wants to read?
  • How can I build links that will produce better results on Google and other search engines?

One of the best ways to improve your rankings is to research your competitors and find out what they are doing to bring in traffic from Google and take steps to improve upon their process.

Who Are Your True Competitors?

You already know who you are competing against. When we talk about SEO, the best way for you to determine who your true competitors are is to look at who you are competing against for the same keywords. You should have a list of relevant keywords you want to target with your site's content. One of the best ways to do this is by searching for keywords using tools. Finding great opportunities for keyword implementation and creating high-quality content to target those keywords is not the difficult part. The difficult part is providing high-quality backlinks to your pages. One of the best ways to do this is to locate websites linking to the original resource and attract your target audience by improving upon the content. Ahrefs can help with this.

Using Ahrefs To Find Your Competitors

With Ahrefs, you will be able to find every backlink for any URL. Ahrefs is a paid tool, but you can register for a 7-day trial for $7 to determine if the tool is right for you. Once you have signed up for the service, you can enter the domain of your competitors in the research tools, and Ahrefs will give you a list of pages that are generating the most traffic from Google, as well as the keywords the sites are ranking for. As you are researching the pages that are high-performing and the keywords that can be used for your website, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I take my competitors'  highest-ranking page and create a better resource on my site?
  • Is there any content I can create that my competitors have not?
  • Are my competitors ranking for high-value keywords indirectly?

Generally, the goal is to choose keywords that will allow you to rank at the top without the need for too much link building. Adding links later can give you a better chance at ranking amongst the top search engine results on the first page. Regardless if your competitors are domain-level competitors or page-level competitors, you can use Ahrefs to check what they are doing. You can enter the domain of your competitors and you will instantly be given a list of pages that are sending them the most traffic from Google. After obtaining this list, you can reach out to these websites and direct them to your site's content.

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Taking Content From Your Competitors and Upgrading It

When you use Ahrefs to gain insight into what your competitors are doing, you will have a greater sense of your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. If your competitors appear to be doing all the right things to attract an audience and they are producing long-form content, you may want to lean towards long-form content creation.

However, you do not have to replicate the entire approach with your content. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of their content and create a content strategy that will compete. While your competitors may be doing the right things, this does not mean there are no weaknesses. You will find something that can be improved, and if your competitor has weaknesses when it comes to delivering specific content, you can create content that does a better job at addressing questions and concerns from clients.

One of the things you can learn from Ahrefs is the number of backlinks that are being used on your competitors' sites. Backlinks have a significant impact on SEO, and you will want to ensure you have backlinks for every content you release, and you should select backlinks from reputable websites. Backlinks are crucial when it comes to generating a high ranking on organic searches, and this can be done with ease. You can take your competitor's best backlinks and improve upon their strategy. You can take their keywords and determine which keywords are giving them the best result.

You have to make sure you are faster and better than your competitors so you can generate the most clicks and traffic on your MSP site. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for creating high-quality backlinks and creating a marketing strategy that will improve your rankings. Instead, you will need to be creative and take what others have been doing and improve it. For more SEO tips and to find out how Ulistic can help you gain marketing insights from your competitors, reach out to us today.


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