Connecting with Prospect, Leads and Clients Using Social Media Tools.

Social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn provide an easy way to keep in touch with folks.  Not just friends and family, but your business contacts. You may already send your friends and family birthday and other congratulatory messages on these sites. But, have you considered doing the same for your prospects, leads and […]

Social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn provide an easy way to keep in touch with folks.  Not just friends and family, but your business contacts.

You may already send your friends and family birthday and other congratulatory messages on these sites. But, have you considered doing the same for your prospects, leads and clients?

Go on Facebook and LinkedIn to the Birthday List.  Make a note of people’s birthdays and place a personal call on their special day.  This will mean so much—That you took time out of your busy day to remember them.

Or, send a card.  If you don’t have time to do this, go to and they’ll mail one for you!

Even if people aren’t looking for a new IT MSP, you’ve bridged a gap for the future in case they do, or if they know someone who is.

Making personal connections—That’s what marketing is all about.  And social media allows us to do this today so easily.

This is just one way to win in the MSP Marketplace.  We have much more to share.

Contact Ulistic to learn Stuart directly at 716.799.1999 or send us an email to


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