Local SEO Changes That Will Impact Your SEO Strategy in 2022

MSPs can't afford to ignore local SEO. Capturing even a piece of these searches can be a game-changer for any MSP.

Local SEO Changes That Will Impact Your SEO Strategy in 2022

COVID-19 completely changed the way that people interact with businesses online, which means that search engines, businesses, and marketers have to make some adjustments to meet those needs and demands.

The events of 2020 and 2021 have not only changed how local Managed IT Service Providers operate but have also changed Google's search results. While these changes are designed to make searches easier, many Managed IT Service Providers have been caught off guard, resulting in them losing visibility on Google. Google, as usual, is making changes to its layout and testing new things, so none of this is surprising.

MSPs can't afford to ignore local SEO. Capturing even a piece of these searches can be a game-changer for any MSP.


What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO is SEO that focuses on improving the ranking of your business in local search results. It is essential that your business is optimized for local search. Local search results usually include searches that include identifiers such as "near me" or "in Tampa''. Google is smart, so it understands enough to determine if there are geographic limitations to a search. For example, if someone is searching for "managed IT services", Google concludes that the searcher is looking for a managed IT services provider near them.

Local SEO is becoming more important than it has ever been as searchers are changing the way they use Google and other search engines. There continues to be an increase in searches that include "near me" and we don't think this is a trend that will be slowing down anytime soon. With local SEO, potential clients are able to see your business name, contact information, business hours, reviews, and more on the Google search results page.

It is essential that you understand the changes to local search and make the necessary adjustments to your local MSP SEO strategy. What do managed IT service providers need to know about the latest local SEO changes?

Google My Business Profile

Google My Business has now made it to the pinnacle of local search. It has become obvious that Google prefers to share material that it can verify, and Google My Business has become the tool that can be used to assist your MSP business in fulfilling Google's requirements. However, you don't have to do anything just for the purpose of SEO.

Google My Business will not only allow you to gain feedback and maintain your contact details, but it will also allow you to make it easier for those within your target audience to reach you on the web. Moving forward, finding up-to-date contact and business details is more important than it has ever been. Google My Business will be essential for your MSP business if you want to be noticed in the market.

Local SEO Strategy

A local SEO strategy is vital for every MSP business, drawing in website visitors searching for managed IT services and IT support in their own cities. Nearly 50 percent of all search queries on Google have local intent. If you aren't optimizing your MSP website for local searches, you're missing out on a valuable source of new clients.

While SEO can improve your positioning, it's essential that you take some time to understand the bigger picture. The goal of your MSP's SEO strategy is to increase quality traffic to your site and this is where having a great click-through rate (CTR) enters the picture. CTR measures how many people click on your search engine listing and visit your MSP website.

With more website traffic results, you will gain more leads and conversions. Given that nearly 50 percent of all searches are local, having your GMB(Google My Business) listing, title tags, and keywords optimized for local traffic makes perfect sense. If this is not the case, you're separating yourself from new clients.

Zero-Click Google Search

This may not sound like a trend that would excite you, but it's an important one to be aware of. Today, Google searchers are getting the information they need from the search results page. What does this mean? This means the users didn't click through to your MSP business's website.

What can you do with this valuable information? One of the things you can do is review your Google My Business page and your business's Google Maps information. Ensure this information is up-to-date since this is where potential clients will likely discover the information they need about your MSP business.

Your website should consist of high-quality content that potential clients can't get on the results page. Also, make sure you focus on keywords that bring potential clients to your website.

Your MSP Website Still Matters

While there is a rising trend of zero-click results, this does not mean that your MSP website no longer matters as much as it once did. In fact, this has become a great way for potential clients to build trust in your business.

Members of your target audience will use your website to find accurate information about your business. This means potential clients will check your website for the valuable information they need, such as your location, hours, and contact details. A potential client may be less likely to use a managed IT service provider that does not have any contact information on their website.

This is why it is so important to create an MSP website with a strong user experience. You have to keep your website updated and your clients happy.

If you want your MSP business to rank, you need content that meets a potential client's search intent. As a managed IT services provider, your potential clients are looking for content relevant to the industry. They want to know more about managed IT services. They want information on how managed IT services can help them become more productive and efficient.

In 2022, your online presence will matter more than ever. Make sure you are engaged, have a quality website filled with rich content, and are always thinking about the best user experience you can provide for your existing clients and potential clients. If you want to be rewarded by Google, make sure you take the client-first approach. When you keep that in mind, your ranking should continue to grow.

Local SEO is doable and measurable. The key is to find a marketing company that understands the importance of SEO and how to use SEO to achieve your business goals. Engage with Ulistic today and find out how we can help you stay on top of your online presence in 2022.

Thanks to the following MSPs for their success recently:


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