10 Successful SEO Backlinking Options

Discover successful backlink strategies to grow your organic search and boost your MSP SEO. Read this article and do the work. The only way your SEO grows.

Backlinks Are The Oxygen Of Your MSP SEO Campaigns

As part of an overall SEO strategy, backlinks are a powerful option. Over 2/3 of users click on the first five Google results. But how do you make them happen in the first place? Though there are a number of different techniques, this article will cover several of the most successful ones to help you quickly build your business's name and brand in the market while improving your search engine ranking at the same time. Here's a quick overview to help you get started.

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10 Successful SEO Backlinking Options

  1. Use a unique URL for your marketing ventures: Using the website, you can search for a related search term and discover all of the expired or nearly expired domains with those terms in it. See how many backlinks are on that domain, put it into to discover what the domain rating is to determine whether it's a good investment or not, and whether it will fit into a campaign that you're using. Take a quick look at the type of backlinks that are in place for the website to make sure that they are of good quality. Check whether it's available through a lookup such as and pick it up if it's available. You can then create content or use a 301 forward to match the existing backlink in both the @ record as well as the WWW record. This technique quickly builds the number of indexed backlinks that show up for the domain that you've just purchased.
  2. Try a broken link checker to find domains with broken links: This reverses the first process by starting with broken links. Using, you can find broken links on a related website, such as a local newspaper or organization's blog page. You can then use The Hoth's Domain Authority Checker, which is powered off of Moz, to determine the authority of the domain to determine whether the broken links will be of value or not. Once you have, you can take the domain for the broken link, run it through or a similar domain registry and then purchase it. At that point, you'll set up a 301 redirect as you would with the first option to match the broken link and tie it into content that is already in existence on your website or create new content to match the topic of the link.
  3. Use and Share Infographics: Infographics are a great way to share information in an easy-to-understand, visual format. That's one of the reasons why they're so often shared with groups, on social media and many other places on the internet. That means that each and every time your infographic is shared, you have the opportunity to benefit from a backlink from it. To succeed with this strategy, make sure your infographic has a unique, interesting tale for your audience to discover that covers a current topic using statistical data. One easy way to make your infographic easy to share is using the Siege Media generator, then use an infographic directory and submit your infographic to spread it around. If you've had people link to similar infographics or share them across social media, do email outreach to them to ask for feedback.
  4. Take advantage of guest blogging opportunities: As one of the most effective ways to reach new audiences, guest blogging provides a wide range of opportunities. You essentially publish an article on another website, and in addition to getting exposure to new readers, you'll also gain backlinks and increase your online reputation. This works best by leveraging the relationships you already have, such as putting together a guest post for a partner company's website and allowing them to do the same on both. You can also reach out to businesses you haven't formed a relationship with by using a Google search. Typically, you'll want to start with the keyword + one of the following modifiers: inurl:write-for-us, inurl:guest-post-guidelines, guest-posts, become a contributor, bloggers wanted, submit an article, want to write for, contribute, become an author, a guest post by or now accepting guest posts. You can also do searches on social media for guest posts or guest bloggers to see what's available.
  5. Add internal links to your website: Though these aren't quite the same as backlinks from another business, they still help with ranking. Adding links to your existing or new content makes your website much easier to navigate, which in turn improves the user experience and boosts your SEO ranking. You can use tools to automatically create internal links on your content, but you may want to do this manually to ensure good quality and higher rankings. It's recommended that internal links on each page of your website remain below 100, according to Matt Cutts of US Digital Service, formerly of Microsoft and Google.
  6. Actively promote your content: You can publish all the content you want, but it doesn't matter if nobody sees it. By doing a search for your keyword and roundup limited to the past week or month, you'll be able to find bloggers and websites that regularly provide roundups of great content. Contact the webmasters of those sites and provide them with a fast introduction to your website, along with a link to your best tutorials, guides, or thought leadership content. If they find the information helpful, you may receive a backlink in their next roundup, and content that comes to them instead of searching for it is very popular.
  7. Write testimonials for the products and services your business uses: When testimonials are written by private individuals, their identity is typically protected to prevent privacy issues. However, with businesses, it's fairly common to receive a backlink on the testimonial that you've written. This allows you to spend a few minutes talking about your experience with that company and you'll gain a backlink in the process without a lot of hard work. Start by listing the companies you're partnered with, then reach out to talk about whether you can write a featured testimonial.
  8. Reach out to journalists and influencers: Influencers and journalists get information out to a LOT of people on a regular basis, and it can be a great way to get backlinks and grow your brand. By conducting an email outreach to influencers and journalists that cover your industry, you're able to get in touch with the best and brightest your industry has to offer. Make sure to keep your pitch short and concise, though, or you may lose their attention.
  9. Make donations or sponsor events: Whether it's a nonprofit, an event, or your local sports team, making donations and sponsorships is good business. Find organizations that support your mission, check if they provide backlinks to sites that have donated, and then provide the funds and information to them. For industry-related events, sponsorships often land you on a specific page of their website, with a backlink to your company's webpage.
  10. Do interviews: Interviews are a great way to get the information out on your website, build authority, and earn backlinks to your webpage. One of the best ways to make this happen is by becoming an authority in your niche, but until you've reached that authority, you'll have to do a bit of research. Hunt for websites that typically run interviews, then contact them to discuss your interest and information you can contribute.

Not To Worry, Ulistic Is The Best When It Comes To MSP SEO Services

As you can see, there are a ton of easy ways to build backlinks for your website to help improve your SEO rankings, but only if you apply some of them. If you need help building brand authority and recognition, Ulistic can help. Please feel free to reach out today with any questions, to learn more about our services or to speak to some of our MSP marketing gurus.


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