What Should You Look for When Building Quality Backlinks?

Quality backlinks are crucial to the success of your MSP’s SEO marketing strategy. Use this tip to finally locate and obtain the best links for your business.

Ahead, we have another quick MSP marketing tip to help you improve your MSP’s marketing ROI, make more of an impact in your community, and (most of all) create more business opportunities.

Today’s tip is all about the importance of backlinks in SEO (search engine optimization), so let’s get started.

The Common Backlink Trap

According to SEO-authority Moz, “the importance of building high-quality links has never been higher.”

But obtaining high-quality links isn’t as easy as it may sound. For example, you may have seen advertising that claims to link-build for you. You’ll get tons of links for just a small sum every month. Such a campaign might claim, for example, that they can get you 40 backlinks monthly for a mere $500, $300, or even $100.

Seems pretty good, right?

Unfortunately, when you actually examine the efficacy of such campaigns, you’ll quickly find that the quality of the advertised backlinks is quite low, making them basically useless for your SEO efforts.

On the other hand, using the technique we’re about the show you will create a huge impact on your SEO results. In fact, using it just one time for one link will create more of an impact than 40 of these low-quality backlinks will.

As a side note, if you do end up trying some of these backlink campaigns for yourself, beware: Take care to especially stay away from “PBNs.” These are blogging networks, and Google search does not like them, so they’re essentially useless. You’ll often see advertisements for these types of links on sites like Fiverr.

The Better Way to Backlink

Before we dive into how to locate and obtain quality backlinks, let’s explain something about backlinks in general.

There are two types of links: Do Follow and No Follow.

Essentially, you want to look for Do Follow links for your backlinks. These links help your SEO because they pass the relevance of the referring site to the site that they’re linking to (your site).

No Follow links, on the other hand, tend to not help your SEO because there’s no link relevance passed along. Of course, Google will indeed check out No Follow links just to see where they go, so they’re not a completely without merit. But in general, try to focus on obtaining Do Follow Links.

Now that we have that out of the way, here’s the main strategy you want to employ in order to get the best-quality backlinks for your site:

Find sites that have a high domain authority. The higher the domain authority, the better the link quality. Furthermore, make sure you are getting links from relevant sites.

Sites I recommend for getting links and checking domain authority include:

  • Ahrefs
  • Moz
  • The Hoth

You can also contact Ulistic for help building quality backlinks to your MSP site. Creating quality backlinks for clients is one of the many services we offer, and we’ve been seeing amazing success in our SEO efforts for all types of MSP clients. There are certainly a number of digital marketing strategies available for MSPs; however, aiming your focus at SEO is always going to get you your best return on investment.

You can check out more about our MSP marketing services at Ulistic by going here, or book a 60-minute consultation with our CEO, Stuart Crawford. He’ll personally review your rankings, your current status of backlinks, and ideally help you create a strong digital marketing strategy that can boost your SEO and start making a difference in your bottom line.

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