The Secret to Getting Outstanding Quality Backlinks

Discover how you can quickly gain access to high-value sources for potential backlinking partnerships that will drive more traffic to your MSP website.

The Secret to Getting Outstanding Quality Backlinks

Discover how you can quickly gain access to high-value sources for potential backlinking partnerships that will drive more traffic to your MSP website.

As an MSP owner, you know the value of website traffic. It's the best way to attract new customers who need your products and services.

You may have a robust content strategy and a great website, but are you doing the right things to boost your search engine results?

One of the most effective ways to climb in the search rankings is to have a solid strategy for backlinks. The more backlinks you have on high-value sites, the more it helps your ranking.

""Quality backlinks are important as part of your SEO strategy, along with great content, to boost your MSP in the search rankings and beat your competition when it comes to Google search," noted Stuart Crawford, founder and CEO of Ulistic, the nation's leading MSP marketing firm.

But sometimes figuring out how to get backlinks is elusive. Fortunately, we have an approach that gets you access to valuable potential partner sites quickly.

"Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a 'vote of confidence' from one site to another," notes a recent article. "In essence, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content."

How Do You Get More Backlinks?

You're going to use several third-party services to assist. The first is Data Miner is an effective tool to scrape information from a Google search results page or another website. Create an account and be sure to set Search Settings to 100 to get a full page of search rankings.

Next, install the Data Miner Chrome extension.

Now enter a search term into Google that's relevant to a core part of your business, such as "managed service provider Boston" or "managed service provider dentists."

Once the search results are up, activate the Data Miner Chrom extension. Click on the Public button at the top of the app and you'll get a list of extraction options. You want to choose Google Search Results -- Get All Links [YEAR}. Bookmark it for future reference and click the Run button.

In a few seconds, you'll get a list of all the URLs, meta page titles and meta page descriptions. Download the data.

Open up the downloaded file and copy the URLs. Next, you'll want to use the Quick Batch Analysis function on (fee required) and paste that list of URLs into the text entry box. Click the Analyze button.

On the righthand side of the search results is a tab for Referring Domains. Click on the Dofollow Links button to sort by those sites that have the largest number of backlinks.

What Do I Do to Secure More Backlinks?

With your list of websites with lots of links available, it's time to contact site owners and offer up your high-value content to them for backlinking purposes. There's a great template that SEO expert Neil Patel has created that you can get by emailing us.

The template allows you to easily contact a site owner and share what content you've liked, what sites are already being linked, and, most importantly, offer up great content on your website.

Where Can I Learn More about SEO for MSPs?

Ulistic helps MSPs get the most out of their marketing, including website design and marketing to get your business more leads, better search engine results and stronger social networks. Grade your MSP website now at


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