Is A Prospective Client Right For Your MSP?

Here Are Some You Should Avoid. When times are tough, you may decide to take on any client. However, this is a risky thing to do. Some clients can actually be detrimental to your success, and your bottom line. Be cautious, and think carefully before taking on:   The Ones Who Can’t Pay When a […]

Here Are Some You Should Avoid.

When times are tough, you may decide to take on any client. However, this is a risky thing to do. Some clients can actually be detrimental to your success, and your bottom line.

Be cautious, and think carefully before taking on:  

  1. The Ones Who Can’t Pay

When a client lacks cash flow, you may end up paying for their troubles with unpaid invoices. Do some research to determine whether their business is financially viable.  

Plus, if they are reluctant to sign an agreement with you, this is another reason to avoid them.

  1. Those Who Take Advantage

Some people have a sense when you’re hungry for business, and they’ll take advantage of this. They may insist on lower prices, change the terms of your agreement without providing compensation, pay late, cancel meetings, and show a general lack of respect for you and your time.

  1. The Cheapskates

These businesses don’t want to pay, and will find reasons not to. They expect you to provide services, ask for more, and then find any excuse not to pay. They may ask you to continually meet with them to get things right, when they are actually seeking free consulting services. Just like them, you’re in business to make money.  Steer clear of the cheapskates.

  1. The Oblivious

If your prospect has no clue what they want, but they still expect you to help them succeed, think twice before signing them on. If you do, you’ll spend countless hours reacting to their whims. Their indecisiveness and constantly changing requirements will prevent your success, because nothing will ever be good enough.

  1. The Undependable

As you know, to be a successful IT Partner requires a partnership with your client. But when you can’t depend on a client to work with you, you can’t possibly meet their needs.  This is not only frustrating, but will cost you in time and money.

Did You Know That? 

  • MSPs who focus on their areas of expertise (vertical markets) consistently outperform their peers whose clients are broader in scope.
  • MSPs are quickly becoming a commodity. Those who specialize can charge more, and show a profit on their bottom line, versus their competitors who are caught in a "race to the bottom."
  • You need to learn to say NO to bad business, and look for your ideal clients. This can be difficult, however “the fruits blossom quickly when the bad apples (bad clients) are discarded.”

Here are our quick recommendations:

  1. In the Ulistic 17 step sales process we recommend asking the budget question up front. You must know what the prospect is thinking for an IT support budget.  If they don’t know, provide them with estimates; however, always shoot high. It’s easier to lower your numbers versus trying to ask for more money.
  2. Seek references. Prospects always want references from you. And, why not ask for references from them? If they are unwilling to provide you with references, you should be concerned.
  3. Do your homework. Research your prospect online and in the community before engaging in any work. Make sure you know who you are working with.
  4. Get a retainer up front—Your lawyer asks for one. Why?  They are smarter than you.  Your lawyer never starts work until you pay.  Why should you?  Get a retainer before commencing any work.
  5. You are not a bank. Never extend credit to those who haven’t earned it.

Ulistic can help you spot “the bad apples.” Contact us for help. {phone} {email}


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