What Is Stuart Crawford's Biggest Pet Peeve?

How much did you sell online last month? Not so great? Get the results you want by rewriting your sales page which really connects with your site's visitors.

Stuart Crawford, the host of From the Driver’s Seat, has a strong opinion on just about everything when it comes to online marketing. But don’t get him started when it comes poorly written web copy. Bad writing which fails to take into consideration how people use the Internet these days is something which ticks him off.

Stuart's Book Recommendations For All MSPs Who Want To Get Serious With Web Marketing

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How Can You Improve Your Sales Copy?

Understand what the visitor wants to know. Before writing one word of sales copy take a few minutes to think about why a visitor is coming to your page. What does he want to know? Make a list of possible questions a potential customer landing on your page may have and make sure that your content answers these questions. Problem drives sales; no one is looking for a sales pitch. Therefore, it is in your best interest to be a problem solver, not a salesman.

Get to the point already! It may take thousands of words of high-quality content to earn a good SERP rating, but that doesn’t mean it is acceptable to force your visitors to scroll to the end of a lengthy marketing page to get the information they were looking for in the first place. Never make your visitors feel you are withholding information. Tell your visitors what they want to know as soon as possible to help establish trust and increase the chance of making a sale.

Avoid obvious marketing jargon and fluff. Keep your content lean, informative, and most of all personable. When visitors read your sales page, you never want them to come away with the feeling “what a good salesman,” but rather, “I learned a lot from that site. Maybe that company knows what they are talking about!”

Make your content easy to digest. No one will stick around long enough for you to make a sale if your website is difficult to read. That’s why you not only need to invest in quality visual website design using clear and concise sections — you need to do the same with your content. That means using a lot of bullet points as well as descriptive sub-headers to make it easy for visitors to scan and find the answer to questions they have.

Create effective calls-to-action. How many times have you seen the same tired CTAs tagged on to the end of a sales page? Call today! Find out more! It is enough already. Of course, you want to motivate the visitor to your site to take action, but take the time to craft a quality CTA which sells your solution to the potential customer’s problem. After all, it is your last chance to sell to them, so make it count.

A well-written sales page can have a massive impact on your sales numbers. Isn't it about time you rewrote yours?


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