How To Make Your MSP Website A Traffic Magnet

There isn’t a day that goes by without a struggling MSP calling into the MSP Marketing hotline at Ulistic with this question: “Stuart, I am not happy with the number of opportunities generated with our MSP website. What can we do about this?”

Well, let me try waving my magic wand first... Anything? No? Dang, I was hoping that might have worked. I guess I’m not ready to patent this magic wand design and retire yet.

Here is the skinny on this: there is no magic wand and just putting up a nice-looking website isn’t going to make prospective clients beat down a path to your first door. But there are simple steps you can use to create attraction in the marketplace around what your MSP is all about.

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There isn’t a day that goes by without a struggling MSP calling into the MSP Marketing hotline at Ulistic with this question: “Stuart, I am not happy with the number of opportunities generated with our MSP website. What can we do about this?”

Well, let me try waving my magic wand first... Anything? No? Dang, I was hoping that might have worked. I guess I’m not ready to patent this magic wand design and retire yet.

Here is the skinny on this: there is no magic wand and just putting up a nice-looking website isn’t going to make prospective clients beat down a path to your first door. But there are simple steps you can use to create attraction in the marketplace around what your MSP is all about.

Here are some very basic and easy to do steps to generate some attention in the market place. All of these can be easily executed, but here’s an important point: they take time and effort. You need to be willing to put in the work here, but trust me – these actions will position you and your business as one of the industry’s top performers. Many of these thoughts aren’t directly focused on your website, but they will drive traffic there when executed properly.

Here goes:

  • Get noticed by your industry partners: Do your vendors know about what you are doing? Houston IT consulting firm CITOC are masters of working with their vendors. BJ Farmer, President and CEO of CITOC, works closely with Microsoft and their cloud initiatives to generate awareness in the marketplace about cloud technologies and other MSP offerings. BJ works with the Houston CPA community and others alongside Microsoft to put CITOC in front of others.
  • Go where your prospects are: Are you putting yourself where your potential clients will see you? Most MSPs don’t. They sit back and think that their website is enough to generate new business and leave it at that. That kind of attitude is not going to work. Alan Reeves, who runs Nashville’s SunRiver IT Partners, just finished attending a weekend event with over a few hundred Tennessee Chiropractors, where he drove awareness about his HIPAA audits for Tennessee Chiropractors. Did Alan get new business and new visitors to his website? You bet he did. What can you do?
  • Getting social: Simply hooking your social media profiles to your website is not enough. If you just have a little link to a Facebook page down at the bottom of your front page, no one is going to care. You need to get active in social media! Use the Ulistic 30-60-30 principle to get involved with your connections and make new ones. Use Linkedin, Facebook or whatever social media platforms to your advantage. Eric Taylor, CEO at IT-Simplified, uses Facebook to connect with Veterinarians across the country to share what they are doing to help vets run highly successful vet practices. Eric specializes in computer and networking services for veterinarians from his office in South Carolina.
  • Jim Rome says it best: Do you know who Jim Rome is? His sports show is truly unique. He calls his listeners CLONES. He makes a great point: we are clones. Especially in the managed services marketing world. We all say and do the exact same things as our competitors. You need to stand out, even is your offerings are exactly the same as the other guy. Once we talked to a prospective client about what made them different, and all they said was, “We do the same thing as everyone else.” So why should anyone choose you over the rest of the pack?Here is the tip: Write about and write lots about what you support. Veltec Networks is a San Francisco Bay area IT consulting company. They do everything that every other MSP does, but the difference is that they are taking what they do and expanding on it. Veltec offers Fortinet consulting in San Jose and writes weekly articles on how Fortinet helps their clients and businesses in the Bay Area. What can you do to position your solutions online?
  • Stay Current: Many MSPs simply do not have a strategy to talk about current happenings impacting the market. What is happening in the world that impacts your audience? Learn to leverage the media and create a strategy to have the media promote your thoughts and help drive traffic to your website. Create a media strategy and help your media colleagues do their jobs with an impact.

These are just some very basic strategies to help drive traffic to your MSP website. Doing these strategies will help position your website higher in the Google search engines and position your managed services company as the industry’s best. Why? Simple: because only a few do it and many others don’t. Excuse? They don’t have time or analyze things too much. Don’t overthink this: get out there and DO it.

We can help.

Ulistic provides marketing services to managed services providers. The Ulistic team acts as part of your team, engaging and working with your MSP each day to assist in providing the foundation for stratospheric success. Learn more at


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