Want To Get Your MSP Website To Google's Number One Position? Time To Fetch and Render.

Many MSP website organizations fail at this one critical part of making sure your website can be found on Google.  Ulistic understands the importance of having the right on site SEO done to get your website up as high as possible on the Google search engine.  This is a service every single MSP website we […]

Many MSP website organizations fail at this one critical part of making sure your website can be found on Google.  Ulistic understands the importance of having the right on site SEO done to get your website up as high as possible on the Google search engine.  This is a service every single MSP website we develop has done.  It is that important.

Why do you need to make sure your MSP website company is setting up your MSP website on Google Webmaster tools properly?

There are many reasons why.  One important reason is this, think of Google webmaster tools as the "master" for website intelligence.  Webmaster Tools gives you a lot of important information on where your site is ranking, how many times it has appeared in search and for what terms -- plus a lot more information.

Ulistic reports this critical web marketing intelligence back to our clients every week.  Does your MSP website company give you weekly analytics and especially tie in Google webmaster tools information?  Most don't.  If not, demand it from them or speak with us at 716.799.1999.  It is your website and you need to have the right information to make informed business decisions.

What is this Fetch and Render that just showed up one day in Google Webmaster Tools?

Google recently announced an addition to Fetch, a tool that helps webmasters see webpages as Google does.  With this addition, webmasters can now immediately address issues Google might have with a webpage they’re designing.

Fetch now reveals the results Googlebot uses to retrieve webpages. The server headers and HTML can be used to diagnose technical problems and hacking effects that would otherwise cause a page to be problematic in Google’s eyes.

Googlebot tries to find all external files associated with a webpage.  These files often include images, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript files, including embedded files. These can be used by webmasters to render a preview image that shows Googlebot's view of the page.

If your site is under development, you must temporarily allow Googlebot if you want to check for issues prior to the launch of your site.

How To Use Fetch

  • Simply log into your Webmaster Tools account.
  • Click on Crawl > Fetch.
  • It should default to the homepage of the site you have selected.
  • You can also specify a page on the site, and select the “Render” option.

Fetch with rendering is now available on all Google Webmaster Central accounts.

Ulistic develops and designs “Google-Ready” Websites for MSPs like yours.  For more information about Gogglebot, Fetch, and Professional Web Design, contact Ulistic at: 716.799.1999 or email us at


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