MSP Video Marketing

Video marketing has increased in popularity over the years. With the majority of your clients and prospects preferring videos over other forms of content, now is the time for MSPs to take advantage of it.

MSP Video Marketing

Have you been working hard to enhance your MSP marketing game? If so, you have probably been trying everything you can. This is a good thing. In your efforts to enhance your marketing, one area where you will want to focus more attention on is video marketing.

Video marketing has increased in popularity over the years. With the majority of your clients and prospects preferring videos over other forms of content, now is the time for MSPs to take advantage of it. You want to promote your video in as many places as possible to get maximum exposure. However, you do not want just anyone to see it and bypass it - you want those in your target audience to see it.

This means you want your videos to be promoted across every channel you own, and you will need to use the right tactics to influence the search engines to show your video when a search consists of keywords that are related to the content in your videos. When a video is used correctly, it can have the following impact:

  • Place your brand in front of your ideal clients
  • Enhance your SEO and ensure you remain visible on search engines
  • Help your MSP attract leads and convert them
  • Help you prove the value of your MSP services

When it comes to video marketing, it is about so much more than being heard and being seen - it is about forming connections. While you can post an engaging article about how your MSP is utilizing the latest advancements in technology to fulfill their needs, it may not always generate the personal connection that your clients are seeking. Videos, either professional videos or personal videos, can have a lasting impact by making personal connections with your audience. Personal videos can help your audience feel more connected to you, thus building trust.

Differentiate Your MSP Business From Your Competitors

From our view, not enough MSPs leverage video today. As an MSP that provides informative, helpful, and/or entertaining video content, you will set yourself apart from your competition. Using video on your social media channels and your website will place your MSP in front of people who may not have known that you can provide them with the services and solutions they need. It will be easy for ideal clients to click your video, watch the video from start to finish, and share it on their preferred communication channels. After spending time watching your video and soaking in the content, your brand will be instilled in their memory. Once you build more awareness for your brand, you will be on your way to generating more leads and conversions for your MSP business.

What Type of MSP Videos Can Boost Conversion Rates?

As a Managed Service Provider, you have put in a significant amount of time and effort into building your website. However, there may be times when you are not satisfied with the number of leads you have been generating lately, and you have been wondering how you can change this. When videos are added to one or more of your MSP site's landing pages, your conversion rates can experience a significant boost. When people see videos, they will stay on your site a little longer because they are curious about the content that is in your video. There are several types of MSP videos that can impact a potential client's decision, including the following:

  • Explainer videos
  • Tutorial videos
  • Demonstration videos
  • Testimonial videos
  • Culture videos
  • Webinar recordings
  • Q&A and FAQ videos

How Can You Promote Your MSP Videos and Get Attention?

As you continue on your journey to enhance your marketing efforts with video, you may look for answers to some key questions that relate to promoting your videos and gaining attention. Should you embed a video onto your MSP website? Should you host the video through your domain? Should you post videos on YouTube or Vimeo and hope for the best?

Once you have created the type of video content you want to share, it is important to decide where and how you are going to host it. There are numerous video hosting sites, such as YouTube and Vimeo, but you will have to do more than post a video marketing your services on a video hosting site. Do not just create a video and post it on YouTube or Vimeo and leave it.

Take the video that you have uploaded to one or both of those platforms and embed it into a blog post on your website or other content on your site and I guarantee you will start seeing better results on search engines. Videos can be placed in various places on your MSP website, including the homepage, service page, landing pages, the About Us page, and other areas of your site. You may also want to add a place on your website where prospective clients and existing clients can find all of your videos.

Embedded videos can affect SEO by encouraging more people on the corresponding page to stay on the page longer than they would have if there was no video. A video that is informative and engaging will mean more people will stay on the site longer, which can send signals to Google that your MSP site is valuable. Embedding a video on your MSP site can help others see you as an authoritative and engaging source in the MSP industry.

It is a good idea to distribute your MSP videos across a variety of channels to expand your presence and reach. Once you start creating MSP content and adding the content to your website, you should keep creating and publishing your content consistently. To achieve a successful video marketing campaign, you will need to remain consistent. When you have a new video that you believe is valuable to your target audience, you should run a new marketing campaign to promote that video.    If you would like more information on incorporating videos into your marketing plans, reach out to Ulistic today.


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