MSP SEO Tip: Get Your Website Ranking For Local Search

Do you want better search results for your MSP company? Geotagging your images is a powerful way to localize your website and improve your website's ranking.

Even the best website is worthless if your potential clients cannot find it online. That is why helping your site to rank well in Google searches against competing MSP companies in your immediate area is critical for the continued success of your business. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help increase your organic search engine ranking based on the location of your business. One of the best, yet too commonly overlooked, methods is by geotagging your site’s images to drive local searches directly to your MSP website.

What is Geotagging Why Does an MSP Website Need It?

Applying geotagging to your images allows you to embed additional information into your images which is invisible to your site’s visitors, but provides a wealth of metadata necessary for search engines to localize your website. The most common metadata included through geotagging are the precise coordinates of the image, but may also contain place names, image description, elevation or the time and date a photo was taken.

Today, more and more people are searching for local businesses online. In fact, 82 percent of smartphone users have conducted searches using the term 'near me'. Your company is losing out on a lot of business if you are not taking advantage of localization as part of your SEO.

An Easy Way to Add Geotagging to Images to Your MSP Website

While you can manually add geotagging to your images, software such as GeoImgr makes the process much more straightforward. GeoImgr offers both free and subscriber-based plans, but the free plan is adequate for the needs of the majority of MSPs.

  1. Getting started couldn’t be simpler. After you create an account, all you need to do is upload the image you want to geotag to GeoImgr. It is important to note that the software only allows users to geotag JPG images, so if you will need to convert other file formats before you can upload them to the service.
  2. Once you have uploaded your image, you can select the location for it by typing your address in the search bar at the top of the window or by dragging and dropping a pin at your position on the map.
  3. Next, look at the information box in the bottom left corner of the window. This is where you can fill in more information such as the document name and the image description. It is a good idea to use keywords to describe your business as well as your location in both text fields.
  4. Save the image to your computer and rename the image to match the document name you used in GeoImgr. Now, you are ready to upload it to your website.

Using geotagged images is a great way to increase your rankings on Google, but it takes much more to claim the top spot. Make sure your MSP business is on the right path towards success by getting your website graded by an MSP marketing professional.


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