MSP Sales Success: Dummies for “Dummies”

Believe it or not, some of the most successful sales people can be real “Dummies.”  Educated and skillful “Dummies,” that is. Here’s the Scenario: You’re new to sales and your mentor called in sick so you have to take over for him.  Your boss sends you to a meeting with a prospect, but you only […]

Believe it or not, some of the most successful sales people can be real “Dummies.”  Educated and skillful “Dummies,” that is.

Here’s the Scenario:

You’re new to sales and your mentor called in sick so you have to take over for him.  Your boss sends you to a meeting with a prospect, but you only have basic information about your MSP services.

The prospect explains to you what services they think they need and why. You listen, but your brain is working overtime to keep up, so you start asking some questions:

You: “ So you’ve been dealing with this problem for some time and it sounds like you’ve done your homework about our service.”

Prospect: “Yes, I’ve been researching this for some time.

You:  “Perhaps since you’ve been looking for so long you don’t really need this service.”

Prospect:  “Hmmm.  Now that you mentioned it, I really do need this service.”

You:  “I guess you’re just not sure about it.”

Prospect: “No.  I am.  Sign me up!”

Afterwards, you say to yourself, “Wow, I feel like such a dummy!”


You just made a sale because you let the prospect come around to the solution himself. By asking just a few key questions, the prospect was able to sort out the obstacles that were keeping him from signing up for your MSP service.  You did nothing except get out of the way so the prospect could close the deal.

Granted, this is a simplistic scenario but we can learn from it.  Being a dummy doesn’t mean you don’t know anything about your products or services; it means you play the “Dummy.”  Great salespeople know that by standing back and listening (acting like a dummy) a prospect will often talk their way into a purchase without their help.

Prospects purchase a product or service because it solves a problem they have. They don’t buy because some salesperson educated them. People with problems want relief, not an education or a sales pitch.


As a good salesperson, you shouldn’t assume you know what your prospect wants, or what they need to know.  You ask your prospect questions and listen to their answers.  Then reflect their answers back to them to help them process their thoughts and take the next logical step— solve the problem by purchasing your product or service.

You let your prospect come around to the final decision to purchase the product or service based on their problem and budget. His decision won’t be because you are the smartest salesperson it will happen it if the solution to his problem is within his budget.  Play dumb not smart and you’ll make the sale.


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