How to Achieve Stratospheric Success as a MSP Sales Professional

The power to sell is the driving force behind the success of any managed service provider, and sales success begins with the right attitude. It’s important to understand that the sale isn’t about you. Even more importantly, it’s not about moving an item of off the shelves or making a profitable sale. It’s all about […]

The power to sell is the driving force behind the success of any managed service provider, and sales success begins with the right attitude. It’s important to understand that the sale isn’t about you. Even more importantly, it’s not about moving an item of off the shelves or making a profitable sale. It’s all about the prospect.

Every successful managed service provider knows that there are many skills that contribute to their success. In addition, there are 7 tactics that the most successful MSP Sales Professionals have integrated into their overall strategy:

1.     Activity Doesn’t Equal Success

Of course, activity is critical to sales success, but making more calls and meeting with more prospects can be dangerous when you’re not using the right actions. Whether or not a prospect decides to act on your activity depends on the content of your sales message, and how you’re delivering your messages. When you’re making 20 calls a day, leaving voice mail on a variety of prospects answering machines, this doesn’t equal success; this actually equals irritation for most of the prospects.

2.     Reflect and Connect

As a managed service provider, you’re constantly switching your attention from prospects to clients to internal resources. Sometimes, you might end up so busy that you neglect to reflect and connect about important events and aspects of your business. Take a break to consider an upcoming meeting or call from the prospects perspective; consider the prospects expectations and disposition to your upcoming meeting.

3.     Develop a Prioritization Process

Does your day begin with opening a daunting list of emails in your inbox? Do you have urgent requests from clients while you’re trying to focus on business development time? Take the time to consider what you believe to be a priority. Create a smart prioritization process and be prepared to redefine what’s important to you, so you’re able to get the right things done in a timely manner.

4.     Discipline Yourself

Without discipline, many MSP Sales Professionals find themselves in feast or famine situations. Strive to consistently attract and connect with prospects, and don’t allow distractions to throw you off track. Plan your day and schedule time for what’s important to you.

5.     View Things from the Prospect’s Perspective

The prospects wants are important, so don’t try to persuade them otherwise. As the old saying goes, “the customer is always right.” Even if you think you’ve got a better idea, don’t push your opinions on your prospect.

6.     Format Your Proposal Properly

Often, the sale is made when you’re not there. The decision maker will read your proposal without your presence, which means the format and “positioning” of that content is extremely important. Cookie-cutter proposals just won’t due, you must know how your proposal will be read and by whom. Decide what should be up front, what should be repeated, and most importantly, what should be included.

7.     Leverage Your Best Clients

Your clients understand what you do best, and they know exactly what differentiates you from your competitors. Leverage the people who already love working with your business. Get proactive and ask them for testimonials, after a job well done, of course. Ask for referrals to like-minded prospects as well.

Stratospheric success comes with effort and a sound process.  Do you have the Ulistic 17 step sales process?  If not, get it and execute it.


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