How Did Your Last MSP Sales Hire Go? I bet not the same as Randy's.

Ulistic just got this awesome email from Randy Bridges in the San Francisco Bay Area. He attended our workshop in San Francisco last year and regularly attends Ulistic training. Randy knows what it takes to get a superstar.

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Ulistic just got this awesome email from Randy Bridges in the San Francisco Bay Area.  He attended our workshop in San Francisco last year and regularly attends Ulistic training.  Randy knows what it takes to get a superstar.  Here is what Randy sent to us.

Hi, Stuart –

I want you to know followed your process … I put everything out there; I made a couple of small wording changes and got much better results; I did a good deal of screening up-front for each person; I put the ad across the country; I put it in my own area – I got nothing, but I also did not hire the slackers!

And then I put the ad in Dallas on Craigslist.

With one call, I found a guy who took ‘no’ in stride, who did not focus on the base salary; a person who gets up early and focuses on the clients; learns about the business, but also knows good business when he sees it; no deal is too small, no opportunity is too large; his network is over 1,000 [working and up-to-date] contacts (He is already working several of them). Even better: he quit another job to go to work for me. Go figure …. In short, I got my ACE … my Super Star Sales Professional … and all because of one webinar!!

I really want to thank you for taking the time and giving your effort to get us “on the track.” It is so very much appreciated!!!!

Now it’s time to go after another one in this area … and I now have a solid reference of what a Super Star can, and will, do for my business. I will keep you updated.

Dedicated to Your Success!

Randy Bridges

L5 Consulting


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