The Ultimate MSP Referral Program Guaranteed To Work.

Why Referral Programs Are a Guaranteed Failure For Your MSP Business  Have you ever set up a referral program? While the purpose of a referral program is to offer some kind of financial reward, most MSPs only get one or two opportunities as a result of the program. In fact, most MSPs have attempted and […]

Why Referral Programs Are a Guaranteed Failure For Your MSP Business 

Have you ever set up a referral program? While the purpose of a referral program is to offer some kind of financial reward, most MSPs only get one or two opportunities as a result of the program. In fact, most MSPs have attempted and failed to set up a referral program at some point.

So how do you incent your clients to share information or pass along the names of their clients and friends? Our recommendation: stop focusing on the perfect referral program and start focusing on creating an exceptional client services program that creates a WOW factor and impresses others at your clients’ businesses.

What’s the Best Referral Program? That’s Simple: Clients Who Love What Your MSP Business Offers!

When your clients truly love what your MSP business offers, they’ll talk about your fantastic level of service with their friends and colleagues. On the other hand, when your clients aren’t impressed, they won’t hesitate to talk about how awful your service is. Ultimately, happy clients are the best referral program.

But how do you replace those thoughts about referral programs with an exceptional client services program? Here are a few simple tips:

  • Treat prospects and clients like gold: While most MSPs focus on the technology, it’s much more important to focus on the people using the technology. Before you start discussing the number of servers, make some small talk about their hobbies, likes, and dislikes! Remember, if you treat people like gold, they’ll always remember how you made them feel versus how you fixed their servers.
  • Create a culture of service: Always remember who signs your paycheck – every successful business knows the clients’ sign the paychecks! When a client wants or needs you to take care of something, regardless of the time, day, or nature of the request, make sure you’re putting their needs first.
  • Make sure your clients are happy: If you’re looking for referrals, make sure you’re providing exceptional client service, then meet with your clients and ask if they’re happy with you. If so, ask if they know anyone else you can help.
  • Remember to thank your clients: This is the simplest tip of all – always say thank you! There’s a lot of MSPs out there, and your clients are choosing your MSP business over many others in the industry. Remember this, and say thank you.

Once you’re focused on the best client services program, you’ll never have to worry about creating a referral program that offers a $50 Starbucks gift card again.

Interested in creating an exceptional client services program? Ulistic is here to help you out! Give us a call at 716.799.1999 x102 or email us at to learn more.


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