How Does Ulistic Stack Up In The MSP Marketing World?

Graduate School!!! What an honor. Hi Everyone, I got this email from a very trusted client that other day that I had to share with you all.  I stripped away any reference to the client but I left who he/she was comparing us too because the other guys are pretty awesome at what they do […]

Graduate School!!! What an honor.

Hi Everyone, I got this email from a very trusted client that other day that I had to share with you all.  I stripped away any reference to the client but I left who he/she was comparing us too because the other guys are pretty awesome at what they do as well…Ulistic is very different and provide a completely different level of MSP marketing services (we also work extremely well with these other great companies...we have numerous marketing and sales coaches clients that are complimentary to the other services available to MSPs out there.

This is an excerpt from the notes our client shared with us.

Company membership - They actually build campaigns and IMPLEMENT them for you.  For our postcard campaign, they designed, wrote copy, ordered materials, had it mailed out.

  • For the online campaigns, they actually created campaigns in CONNECTWISE marketing manager +, etc.  Their social media is pretty good too.
  • Their training is at a higher level - the 1/2 SWOT we did has been very valuable.
  • Since they are a real MSP, not just a training company, we got many other benefits by attending their academy, speaking with their staff, implementing DISC profiles, etc.

Ulistic is more like an incredibly smart missile.  We discuss campaigns or ideas and they implement them.  Very, very well.

  • Our website is fully custom content, they have incredible copy writers and designers that work very well.  
  • Our quarterly magazine couldn't be done without Ulistic.  
  • I did a booth last week at a local trade show and without asking, they designed the booth materials for us quickly.
  • Stuart has been a successful MSP and his team goes out of their way to be a full-service marketing agency for his clients.

With both other guys Premium & Ulistic VIP being an educated buyer helps.  If you know what you want, or you're willing to learn, they will do incredible things.

Based on my experience & journey, I consider them as follows:

  • Company 1 = high school. Lots of rules, lots of learning, intense.
  • Company 2 = college. Some rules, more of " what do you wanna do?" And "here are some really advanced concepts you'd never learn in high school".
  • Ulistic VIP = Graduate school. The marketing is built around your needs, capabilities, market and what you say you want.  

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