Speed Up Your MSP Marketing Websites Now

WordPress is one of the world's most popular website development tools with a wide range of plugins. Check out this plugin for a fast win for your next site.

Why Aren't You Already Using This Convenient, Innovative Plugin for WordPress?

WordPress is one of the world's most popular website development tools with a wide range of plugins. Check out this plugin for a fast win for your next site.  

WordPress is one of the most popular web development tools because it's relatively simple to learn and customize. Another reason for its soaring popularity is the wealth of plugins that can help you extend the base functionality without a lot of hand-coding, making it much faster and easier to accomplish your clients' goals. Some of the largest websites in the world use WordPress, including TechCrunch, Spotify, NBC, USA Today and CNN and WordPress now powers 35% of the internet. All this adds up to tens of thousands of plugins being developed by coders around the world, but quality control can be a challenge. You only want to use the most stable and trusted plugins when you're developing sites for your clients. Here's what you need to know about this innovative plugin that conveniently provides you with great functionality that significantly boosts page load times.

Why Website Page Load Time Matters

Large, lovely images really compel readers into a website, but those same images can kill your engagement numbers when the page load time slows to a crawl. According to Unbounce's 2019 Page Speed Report, 86% of readers are less likely to make a purchase if your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Three seconds may not seem like a long time but in the world of impatient website readers, it's a lifetime. There are dozens of techniques for speeding up page load time such as optimizing images, but if you're trying to provide an endless stream of relevant content that can really place a load on your website servers. Fortunately, this tool I recently discovered helps improve your page load time while allowing you to take full advantage of the multi-media beauty that you need to boost visitor engagement.

Why You Need Lazy Load on Your Clients' Websites

Fortunately, a3rev has created an exceptional A3 Lazy Load plugin for WordPress that helps reduce page load speed and is incredibly easy to fine-tune for your website builds. Lazy load works by only loading images and videos on the page directly before they're physically visible to the reader, making it faster to load the top images and content on a page. This powerful tool even works for embedded media such as Google Maps, Facebook interactions and WordPress embedded media -- some of the most popular options that are used by developers that are also heavy on the bandwidth usage for your site. Getting started with this plugin is simple, and starts with backing up your website, just as you always should before adding any plugins. The tuning tools are simple and direct, and can be quickly accessed via the admin panels.

As MSP marketers, the team at Ulistic is always looking for ways to improve operations and provide a more seamless experience for you and your clients. This tech tip and many more are part of our series of MSP marketing tools available on YouTube and on our website at Want to see how you can boost engagement on your website and grow your business?


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