Ulistic’s Constantly Evolving Service Produced Better Lead Generation to Our Clients Over 2014

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and the end of the year is in sight. It’s been an exciting year at Ulistic, full of great changes, both in our internal structure and in how we serve our clients. Why should you care? Because these changes are translating into better, more exciting service for our clients, and generating more and better leads. “We are constantly striving to find new and innovative services to bring to our client base,” says Ulistic CEO Stuart Crawford. “We will always add more value to our packages and keep them at the same cost. We aim to achieve stratospheric success for every one of our clients.”

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and the end of the year is in sight. It’s been an exciting year at Ulistic, full of great changes, both in our internal structure and in how we serve our clients.

Why should you care? Because these changes are translating into better, more exciting service for our clients, and generating more and better leads.

“We are constantly striving to find new and innovative services to bring to our client base,” says Ulistic CEO Stuart Crawford. “We will always add more value to our packages and keep them at the same cost. We aim to achieve stratospheric success for every one of our clients.”

Here are some of the recent changes we’ve rolled out to help our clients:

  1. Changes to the Way We Do Social Media

We’re undertaking huge steps to improve the visibility of our clients on social media platforms. This is much deeper than the traditional triad of Facebook, Twitter, and Google+: we’re propagating unique content across 32 unique social media platforms. What does this get you?

  • Increased search engine visibility
  • Brand awareness online
  • More opportunities to connect with people and win leads

Additionally, we’re thinking strategically about how to truly leverage social media to start conversations for our clients. We’re not just helping our clients build large networks on LinkedIn, but also working with them to leverage those connections to spread useful information and generate goodwill and possible leads.

  1. Improved SEO Strategies

Gone are the days when a site could simply include some key terms or phrases and gain a ranking on Google. SEO has become all about quality, not quantity, and Ulistic has embraced the future.

  • Informative, useful content to appeal to both Google’s quality scoring and to prospective clients looking for reasons to trust you.
  • Expanded content beyond simple text: images, graphics, sidebars, banners, infographics, video – all customized for each of our client sites.
  • Targeted landing pages for our clients’ geo markets and the verticals that matter most to their business.
  1. Streamlined Messaging

We are constantly striving to learn what it is that MSP customers want to hear, and focus our clients’ messaging on that. Our experiences over the year, and the advice we’ve gleaned from events like Dell World and IT Nation, have shown us the important IT values that customers want to hear about:

  • Security
  • Mobility
  • The Cloud

We’ve begun tailoring our messaging to take these important topics in mind and lead the conversation in a direction that generates better leads and lays the groundwork for our clients to show off their talents. We don’t just talk about the topics on their own; we address how they intertwine and affect each other, and how businesses can leverage these topics to increase productivity, reduce overhead, and focus on success.

And that’s just what we’ve rolled out in 2014. The New Year is looming, and it promises to bring even bigger and better changes to Ulistic service. Here are a few sneak peeks at what’s to come:

  • The continued growth of the Ulistic team, bringing on more talented writers, designers, and marketing professionals to get your message out there.
  • Ulistic solutions that plug directly into ConnectWise to offer automated marketing solutions to our clients – We’ll be working with our clients to help them deploy TRACKS and other marketing services with ConnectWise.
  • A new mobile application to tie directly into clients’ PSA services (ConnectWise, Autotask, or Tigerpaw), allowing clients to open tickets on mobile devices and subscribe to content on their phone.
  • Online marketing kits for our clients to share with prospects, including slaes sheets, company information, and other important info.

And there’s much, much more to come.

Ulistic provides marketing services to managed services providers. The Ulistic team acts as part of your team, engaging and working with your MSP each day to assist in providing the foundation for stratospheric success. Learn more at


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