Mobile-Geddon: The Apocalyptic Mobile Search Algorithm Update Many MSPs Don’t Even Know About

Take Action Before Your Search Rankings Plummet! Does your website look great on smartphones? On Tuesday, April 21, Google is updating its mobile search algorithm, and if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, the updated algorithm might leave your website ranking lower than before. Mobile-Geddon: The Frightening Update That’s Left Many MSPs Scrambling to […]

Take Action Before Your Search Rankings Plummet!


Does your website look great on smartphones?

On Tuesday, April 21, Google is updating its mobile search algorithm, and if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, the updated algorithm might leave your website ranking lower than before.

Mobile-Geddon: The Frightening Update That’s Left Many MSPs Scrambling to Take Action!

After the major update, mobile-friendly websites will be favored, and naturally, ranked higher than others. This means websites should have:

  • Large text
  • Easy-to-click links
  • Mobile-friendly plug-ins
  • The ability to resize and fit on small screens

Google’s been telling webmasters to prepare and design for mobile devices for years. The company stated that “[users] will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.” But what does the update mean for MSPs like yours? What happens if your website isn’t mobile-friendly?

Did You Know a Shocking 84% of MSPs Don’t Have a Mobile-Friendly Website?

Yet Mobile Users Account for a Staggering 65% of Web Traffic!

If you haven’t optimized your website for mobile devices, the consequences are clear and simple: your website will be demoted – going down in search rankings because your website simply doesn’t give searchers what they’re looking for in the age of mobile devices.

Ready to move towards a more mobile-friendly website? Ulistic understands the importance of having a website that’s optimized for mobile devices. We know mobile–friendly websites have much better conversion rates – plus they load faster and they’re easier to navigate! Our websites meet the strict criteria – and over 90% of our websites have passed Google’s test!

Think you don’t have the time or resources to make your website mobile-friendly? Think again! Don’t screw around with your MSP marketing; Ulistic has a proven track record of success with MSP websites that guarantee results! Call 716.799.1999 x102 or email us:


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